The second comic book sized Disney albums series. Started in 1935, ended in 1940. Sundays of Mickey Mouse and Silly Symphonies.
The best monthly Disney series of the '30s. Started in 1937, ended in 1940. Dailies of Mickey Mouse. Rare.
The "Mickey Mouse Annual": 5 issues (over 100 pages each), from 1937 to 1940. Rare.
The "Jumbo Annual". Only 1 issue (1934). No comics, only British novels. Very rare.
"Gli albi dei Tre Porcellini". Started in 1936, ended in 1937. Reprints of Tim Tyler's Luck, Brick Bradford, Ted Towers, Mandrake, etc.
Published in 1939. Popeye's Sundays and dailies. Rare.
Published in 1939. Only Italian comics. Rare.
Published in 1941: Tim Tyler's Luck (the Coast Guard period) in disguise, as Finnish patriots fighting vs. the Russians! 
Very rare.
A complete Italian novel (1943). Rare.
A complete Italian novel (1943). Rare.

Mandrake The Magician. Published in 1935/1940

The Phantom. Published in 1936/1940
Published in 1938 (Myra North)
Published in 1947 (Rip Kirby)