Memories Of Bob

Memorial Donated By:  Dr. Bambi

Email Address:

This is what little I can do to show my gratitude to Bob.  In my opinion, he completely saved the series from doom by preventing Mulder and Scully from kissing.  He should get much more recognition than what he did get!!!!

Memorial Donated By: Chand aka PsychoChick

Email Address:

Even though I never knew you, or seen the X-Files, I feel it is my duty to congratulate you and thank you for your services. Amen.

PC's Thoughts On A Graphic: Ummm...not at the moment...

Memorial Donated By: Rozza

Email Address:

Oh Bob, why, you were so young and full of life. You are dearly missed. I only pray that Mulder and Scully some day show there true gratitude toyou for your actions in that steamy moment in the hallway.You saved the show.You saved Scully from 'the kiss'.(btw - you lucky little thing getting to bite Scully!)

****FOR @}--->----- BOB****

Memorial Donated By:  Shan
Email Address:

I can only offer my thanks and promise to remember what you have done. The sacrifices you made for the very race that distorted your immune system for their survival take you to a level far above what most bees could ever know of.

Thank you.

Memorial Donated By: Marita

Email Address:

All hail Bob, martyr to the cause of keeping Mulder and Scully's relationship unromantic. We are all deeply endebted to you. I just pray that your soul is at peace knowing that you may very well have saved humanity as we know it.