Highlights from my bookshelf
In no particular order:
Myst (all three of them) Rand Miller & David Wingrove
Redwall (the whole series, minus the one or two newest books) Brain Jacques
Winds of Fate, Bardic Voices, Oathbound, Oathbreakers Mercedes Lackey (I have aquired more of her books and will continue to do so.)
Dreams Underfoot, Trader, Jack of Kinrowan, The Little Country (The list goes on and on.) Charles deLint I've read all the books of his at the library, and when I have money and make it to the bookstore, I always buy one of his books! He is my favorite author. He writes urban fantasy most recently but he also deals with issues of life. I highly reccomend him.
Chronicles of Prydain Lloyd Alexander I have all of this series. Disney finally released The Black Cauldron on video, which was based on the book by the same title in the series, however Disney took a lot of liberties with the plot and everything else.
The Wheel of Time Robert Jordan Though I do not own all of this series, I have read all of them that are out, excepting the newest. I plan to own a copy of every book in the series eventually.
The Dark is Rising sequence Susan Cooper These aren't the most mature of books, but they are good to re-read anyway.
Memory, Sorrow, & Thorn Tad Williams It is amazing how many things he kept running throughout the books that I missed the first time I read them--the second time through is better than the first and I'd reccommend them to anyone.
The Book of Atrix Wolfe Patricia A. McKillip My favorite book is written by her, called Winter Rose.
Dragon's Blood Jane Yolen
Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Book text by Terry Jones and Illustrations by Brian Froud This is a great book, if read with the right attitude. I like the pictures more so than the text, but it was all done very well.
Good Faeries Bad Faeries, Faeries, The Goblin Compainion Brian Froud I'm still reading this these. He is my favorite artist.
The Encyclopeadia of Celtic Wisdom Caitlin and John Matthews
I also have a few of Cicely Mary Barker's Flower Fairy books, and one of the t-shirts.
The Last Unicorn Peter S. Beagle This one should be self explanitory. If it isn't, get the movie or read the book.
The Princess Bride William Goldman Same note applies as from The Last Unicorn only more so.
Medieval Calligraphy Drogin.
Celtic Design Iain Zaczek.
The Art of Calligraphy David Harris
Celtic art the methods of construction: Bain.
And there are more...
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