Faery Poetry

Fairy adopted from Lady Hipoo's. If you wish to adopt a fairy, I have a link to her page.

This poetry comes from books I have read and other places. If you wish to know where I found the poem, email me, as I have the sources written down at home. If you know that I made a mistake in how I copied the poem or in who I credit the poem to, please inform me. Enjoy reading these!
I haven't yet checked these links, but I will soon. I will also be adding more poetry as soon as I get it typed!

The Stolen Child
W. B. Yeats
The Unicorn in Captivity
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
The Fairy Thorn
Samuel Ferguson
The Fairies of the Caldon-Low
Mary Howitt
The Spoils of the Dead
Robert Frost
The Host of the Air
W. B. Yeats
Dream Song
Richard Middleton
Thomas Hood
To Mother Fairie
Alice Cary
Fairies' Recall
Felicia Hermans
Thomas Rymer
Traditional Irish/Scottish

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