Warning: This area contains spoliers!

Tomb raider II ... an excellent game loved by millions. Lara Croft stars in Tomb Raider. They have Tomb Raiider I, Tomb Raider II, Tomb Raider Gold, and will have Tomb Raider III, followed by a movie. This page will mostly be about Tomb Raider II. If you have been reading this, well done, you have enough paitince to beat the game.

The game starts at the great wall where Lara goes through bunches of traps to get to the doors that lead to the dagger of Xian. She can't open them however, since she doesn't have the key. But she does question a henchman about where she can find the Seraph, that leads to the key, his clues lead her to Marco Bartolli, who is in Venice.

Lara passes through the canals of Venice, through Bartolli's Hideout, and makes her way through the dreaded Opera House, onto Bartolli's Plane. Lara searches the boxes in the plane for anything, and finds nothing. She does overhear Marco arguing with a henchmen in the cockpit, although she is shortly heard and knocked out.

The plane lands at an Offshore Rig, Near the Seraph.

She wakes up with a bump on her head, inside a locked up room, she soon escapes and makes her way to the Diving Area. Along the way, she hears a monk being whipped for information on the Seraph, he doesn't reveal any.

Lara kills the guard and talks to the monk. He tells her that the Seraph is in a wrecked boat at the bottom of the ocean, a big boat. After Lara changes into a wet suit, the monk is shot.

Lara makes her dive, deep into the water. Since she can't hold her breath forever, she catches a ride on a submurcable. Lara gets inside the Maria Doria and eventually finds the Seraph.

Lara pulls herself out of the water. She has the idea of flying the plane back to the Barkang Monastry.

Of course, somthing has to go wrong. She runs out of fuel while flying over Tibet. The plane crashes into some mountains, tearing off the wings, it then skids along the ground, where Lara hops out with a parachute, then blows up. Lara lands safley into the snow.

Lara walks to a small hut where a snowmoblie is, from there she makes it to the Barkang Montastry, filled with monks. She unlocks a door there. Through it, she finds the door that requires the Seraph. Through that, is the key to the door back at the Great Wall. She finds a solider camp and steals a truck. She goes back to doors of Xian.

Through the doors she sees the dagger of Xian. But some trap doors trigger so she has to go all the way through the temple.

She makes it back up to see Marco Bartolli stab himself with the dagger, meaning to be reborn as the dragon of Xian. Lara goes after him. She gets to him just as he is transformed.

Lara confronts the dragon, as well as herself. She blasts the dragon on it's side...

Then removes the dagger of Xian from his stomach.

Lara runs for her life as the temple explodes into rubble. She makes it out and faints. A while later, she wakes up.

Lara is very lucky to have the dagger only with a backache as the price. The rest of the story I will leave you to find out.

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