"The Black Hole" (Film) Unofficial FAQ

Written by Denis Warburton
(e-mail: afn16179 at afn dot org)
Fourth Revision - February 7, 2000
Copyright © 1999 Denis Warburton. All Rights Reserved.
Permission is given to freely redistribute this document provided that it is not modified and no fee for the document is charged. The Black Hole (Film) FAQ cannot be sold for profit or published as part of any commercial product -- in any way, shape, or form -- without the prior written permission of the author.

With Contributions from Tim Balvanz, PhillyRox, Marc St. Stephen, Image Entertainment's Webmaster, Keith Taylor, Nicolas Dage, Chris Rozee….

SPOILER warning! You've been warned…

Table Of Contents
1) What is "The Black Hole?"
2) Details about the film: Technical/Financial
3) Details about the film: The Story Behind The Story
4) On What Formats Was The Film Released?
5) Where can I get a copy of the film?
6) What are the different versions/edits/releases of the film, and how do they compare?
7) What's this I've heard about an Archive Edition laserdisc?
8) What's this I've heard about an widescreen DVD/videotape?
9) What scenes were cut from the film?
10) What are the differences between the books and the movie? Comic books?
11) Is there a soundtrack available for the film?
12) What kind of records/memorabilia/merchandising exist from the film?
13) Are there any Black Hole web pages?
14) What articles have been published about the film?
15) Were there any goofs made in the film?
16) Revision History
17) A Final Word

1) What is "The Black Hole?"

"The Black Hole" is Disney's 1979 science fiction film about a group of space travelers who come across a long missing spaceship teetering on the edge of a black hole, and their discoveries within the ship and beyond. Or as the capsule description on the back of the laserdisc puts it:

The U.S.S. Cygnus is perched precariously at the edge of a black hole…the vast, empty nothingness where space and time end. Anything that crosses its border enters a universe of the complete unknown. And so begins a story that only Disney's film magicians could tell. A story of robots and humanoids. Of human genius and madness. And a spectacular descent into nature's ultimate mystery - The Black Hole.

The film, the first Disney feature to earn a PG rating, was directed by Gary Nelson and starred Maximilian Schell, Anthony Perkins, Robert Forster, Joseph Bottoms, Yvette Mimieux, and last but not least, Ernest Borgnine. The screenplay was by Jeb Rosebrook and Gerry Day from a story by Jeb Rosebrook, Bob Barbash, and Richard Landau. The production design was by Peter Ellenshaw.

2) Details about the film: Technical/Financial



3) Details about the film: The Story Behind The Story

I have removed the original text from this section in favor of the official Disney chronology of the film (included here verbatim) as printed in the Feb '80 issue of Starlog:

Walt Disney Production
August 3, 1979

Feb. 25, 1974
From writers Bob Barbash and Richard Landau we purchased an original unpublished story idea entitled Space Station-One. They were contracted to develop into a full story outline under our supervision. A black hole was not mentioned at the time. We had a further option on their services for them to write a treatment and a screenplay.

Sept. 19, 1974
Barbash and Landau delivered final outline which contained the threatening menace of a black hole. The black hole had been added prior to this date during the time they were developing the outline.

May 1975
Barbash and Landau delivered a first draft screenplay. This still contained the black hole. The script was retitled Probe-One.

June 16, 1975
Writer William Wood was hired to rewrite the Barbash-Landau script.

Sept. 5, 1975
William Wood delivered his final version of a rewrite still containing the black hole. Script was still titled Probe-One. We were also still referring to the project as Space Station-One.

July 21, 1975
Director John Hough was hired to begin preproduction on the motion picture. We did not as yet have a budget or start date for principle photography.

July 28, 1975
Writer Sumner Arthur Long was hired to rewrite the previous version of the screenplay, writing under the supervision of John Hough and producer Ron Miller.

Oct. 1976
Writer Sumner Arthur Long completed his rewrite. Script still contained the black hole and was titled Space Station-One.

Nov. 1976
Director John Hough's contract to direct picture was amended to postpone production of Space Station-One and to employ him to direct another feature motion picture in the meantime. He was to continue supervising further rewrites of the script while preparing for the other film.

Oct. 1976 [Their chronology - I assume this is an error, and that they meant December? -dw]
Writer Ed Coffey was hired to rewrite screenplay.

Jan 7, 1977
Ed Coffey delivered his final version of screenplay.

Feb 7, 1977
Writer Jeb Rosebrook was hired to rewrite screenplay.

July 7, 1977
Writer Jeb Rosebrook delivered a new story outline after several false starts on revising existing screenplay. This new story outline became the basis for the final version of the screenplay still containing the black hole. Rosebook continued on project writing and rewriting various versions of a screenplay based on his new outline. The black hole was a permanent element in all versions.

Jan. 16, 1978
Director Gary Nelson was hired to begin preproduction and supervise Rosebrook script with Producer Ron Miller. Director John Hough had bowed out to direct a film for another company.

March 23, 1978
Jeb Rosebook delivered his final version of screenplay which was titled Space Probe-One. The black hole was an important element.

April 3, 1978
Writer Gerry Day was hired to rewrite the last version of the script and to make changes as necessary to incorporate all new special effects that had been created by our production designers.

Oct. 4, 1978
Writer Gerry Day delivered her final version of the screenplay which was now officially titled The Black Hole.

Oct. 11, 1978
Principal photography started under the direction of Gary Nelson. To this date a total of $3,620,310 had been charged against the production reflecting the cost from first story purchase written by Barbash and Landau in 1974.

April 20, 1979
Principal photography completed.

August 3, 1979
We are still in post-production, filming the second-unit miniatures and special effects. We expect a completed film by November 23, 1979, which is scheduled for release date to theatres December 20, 1979. To this date, we have spent almost $18,000,000 and the final cost will probably be close to $20,000,000.

The film opened domestically in the United States on December 21, 1979 to [from what I can tell] generally favorable reviews.

4) On What Formats Was The Film Released?

Original release:

Format / Part Number
Super 8 (Digest)650

Anchor Bay video re-release:

Format / Catalog Number / UPC Number
DVD Widescreen/Pan & ScanDV1073201313-10732-94
VHS Pan & ScanSV1070301313-10703-30
VHS WidescreenSV1070401313-10704-39
VHS Limited EditionSV1070501313-10705-38

As listed above, there was a Super 8 digest version of the film available, as well as 16mm prints - although the 16mm prints were not available for purchase by the general public.

5) Where can I get a copy of the film?

Since the film has been re-released on VHS and DVD by Anchor Bay, you should be able to get a copy from any respectable video retailer. For details on the re-release click here, or see #4.

6) What are the different versions/edits/releases of the film, and how do they compare?

Ok, here are the details on the different transfers/releases of the film:

Super 8 Digest:

This is an abridged version of the feature film, with a listed running time of 16.3 minutes, in color with mono mag-stripe sound. This digest version contains:

  • The opening title
  • Exterior shots of the Cygnus from the beginning of the film
  • Almost all the major scenes from the escape/descent into the black hole sequence of the film starting with Reinhardt ordering the sentries to "Fire on any humanoids between medical and Palomino," and ending with the remnants of the Palomino crew taking off in the probe ship. The only major scene from this sequence that seems to be omitted is the bridge shootout.

Given the abridged nature of this version of the film some dialog is truncated, or for no obvious reason omitted (ex. In the release version of the film, when Reinhardt is pinned under the view screen there is a zoom shot with a voice over where Reinhardt says "more light" - in the digest version the zoom shot is presented sans dialog.)

The picture quality on this film is excellent, with very good (if not stunning) color, contrast, and detail. The sound, however, like most Super 8 films with mag-stripe soundtracks that I have come across, has an excessive amount of treble present on the soundtrack.

Additionally, instead of panning and scanning the original widescreen film frames, abrupt (and somewhat confusing) jump cuts to the other portion of the original frame are made.

Original Laserdisc, Videotape, and CED release:

As far as I know, these releases were all made from the same print and video master.

The transfer is unusual - it is an anamorphic pan and scan. In order to fit more of the original widescreen (2.35:1) image of the film onto the television screen (which has an aspect ratio of 1.33:1) the telecinist apparently transferred this film anamorphically at approximately 1.85:1 (hence the thin, vertically stretched look of the characters in this transfer of the film; circles look somewhat elliptical). Since the telecinist didn't squeeze the entire image on the video there still is some panning and scanning necessary during the film. (A good example is in the opening credits, where the telecinist had to pan & scan on the Director of Photography, and Story By credits.) The anamorphic presentation does however reduce the amount and severity of panning-and-scanning, and the use of jump cuts as compared to the Disney Channel Version.

The color (weak and off tone wise) as well as the contrast and detail in the transfer are quite poor. There is also some smearing evident in the transfer, an artifact of the old tube telecine video cameras used to transfer the film. (The difference between this and the DVD transfer is like night and day.)

Sound is ok. Laserdisc and CED sound is stereo, the VHS videotape is linear mono. (No details available on the BETA version - please contact me if you own this.)

No closed captioning present.

Running time: 1:35:04

TV Edit:

A new transfer was commissioned for this film probably sometime in 1985 or 1986, and was used as the basis for this edit and the Disney Channel version. The transfer is a standard Pan & Scan transfer, which almost by definition destroys the original widescreen cinematography. However, this transfer has much better color and detail than the original home video transfer.

In this version there are some minor (some might say random) cuts here and there to make the movie run slightly shorter - probably to add time for commercials. I only noticed two cuts in this version: the first was a shot removed from the Cygnus flyby near the beginning of the film, and the second was the removal/clipping of two lines in the post-dinner discussion scene (perhaps accidentally?):

Booth (Borgnine): "We could all be heroes."
Holland(Forster): "We could also be dead."

I do not know if this version is Closed Captioned.

Running time: Approximately 1:32:42 [incomplete credits on my copy]

Disney Channel Version:

Yet again the hack editors at the Disney Channel have mangled another film.Using the same transfer the TV edit was made from, they edited out every occurrence of the words "damn" or "hell," or otherwise manipulated the dialogue to remove these 'offensive' words regardless of context. Otherwise, the film is unedited.

This version is Closed Captioned for the hearing impaired. The closed captioning seems well done from what I've seen of it. The credits of the closed captioning are as follows:

Captioning made possible by

Captioned by
The Caption Center
WGBH Educational Foundation

Running time: 1:35:01

Anchor Bay Re-Release:

Please see section 8 for the details on this release.

7) What's this I've heard about an Archive Edition laserdisc?

This section has been left here for historical purposes, in addition to illustrating what could be included in a special edition release of the film.

The details from the original post:

From: phillyrox@aol.com (PhillyRox)
Subject: THE BLACK HOLE -- coming soon!!!
Date: 23 Jun 1996 23:06:37 -0400

Hi, it's me again -- the "leaker" with a valuable source inside BVHV.

This should make lots of laserdisc fans happy.

This Christmas, Disney will be releasing an Exclusive Archive Edition version of 1979's "The Black Hole."

This disc will be all-CAV, the film has been digitally remastered, and it will be letterboxed (2.35:1). It will feature a newly-remixed four-channel Dolby Pro Logic stereo surround mix, and also be remixed for 5.1-channel Dolby Digital (AC-3).

The movie will be on four sides. A third disc will feature supplementary materials that, as of now, include the following:

•Theatrical teaser.
•Theatrical trailer.
•Two deleted scenes (not restored within the movie).
•An alternate ending.
•Behind-the-scenes making of feature, with 1979 interviews with the likes of Anthony Perkins, Maximilian Schell, Ernest Borgnine, Yvette Mimieux and director Gary Nelson.
•Publicity and promotional materials.
•Storyboards and conceptual drawings and paintings.
•Merchandising materials
•A look at the special effects process.
•Articles focusing on the controversy surrounding this, Disney's first "PG"-rated film.

Disney is currently in the final stages of negotiating the rights to isolate the musical score on the other analog channel. If not, they're fully prepared to go ahead with an isolated music and effects track (I still don't know why this makes a difference as far as copyright approvals go).

This boxed CAV set will be released for Christmas (barring the usual delays and production snafus) and will most likely sell for $100, like the CAV "Tron."

"The Black Hole" has consistently been at the top of the request list for Disney titles to be remasterd and released. Historical note: the film earned 2 Oscar nominations in 1979 for Best Visual Effects and Best Cinematography. In this light, it's about time a laserdisc edition was produced that did justice to the film's superior technical qualities and impressive production design.

8) What's this I've heard about a widescreen DVD/videotape?

Anchor Bay has acquired the rights for "The Black Hole," in addition to several other live action Disney films from the late seventies and early eighties. The street date for the DVD and VHS releases was March 30th, 1999. The details:

The DVD (Catalog # DV10732 / UPC# 01313-10732-94) features full-frame and widescreen versions with Dolby Surround® 5.1 audio. The disc also includes a theatrical trailer, and a still gallery. (Some of the deleted scenes would have been nice! -dw)

The first release of this DVD contained a mastering flaw - the Dolby Surround® 5.1 sound track is missing the front right channel. To avoid this problem I suggest you buy a new, not used copy. Corrected versions have a red dot on the shrinkwrap next to the UPC symbol, and feature the overture (on the widescreen side) in 5.1 sound.

There are 3 different VHS versions:

1. Full Frame Anniversary Edition (Catalog# SV10703 / UPC# 01313-10703-30) - packaged in a metallic purple clamshell case ($14.95)

2. Widescreen Collectors Edition (Catalog# SV10704 / UPC# 01313-10704-39) - packaged in a metallic red clamshell case with original poster art on front ($14.95)

3. Limited Edition Set (Catalog# SV10705 / UPC# 01313-10705-38) - packaged in a 8" x 12" x 1 7/8" tin container / digitally restored widescreen version (2.35:1) / restored audio featuring dolby surround with theatrical overture / original trailer / full-size reproductions of nine original lobby cards / 48 page 7" x 7.5" collectors book with rare photos & essays / in-depth written interviews with director Gary Nelson & matte artist Harrison Ellenshaw / cast & crew bios / detailed descriptions of the Academy Award nominated special effects, written by members of the team who created them / scripted abandoned alternate ending by Harrison Ellenshaw ($39.99) This edition is limited to 10,000 copies.

The quality of this release is excellent - so good that it reveals flaws in the original film!

9) What scenes were cut from the film?

As far as I know there were at least two scenes cut from the film:

Misc. Cut Dialog
Additionally, there is some minor dialogue present on the "Story of The Black Hole" album that is not present in the film. I've broken the dialog down by the part of the film the dialog occurs in on the album.

[Entry into Cygnus reception]

Vincent: "My sensors have me on red alert, Captain."
[Just before Dr. Durant removes the faceplate from one of the humanoids in the control tower, just after the dialog present in the film.]
Kate: "I will not transmit messages for you…"
[Holland barging into the Hospital.]
Holland: "Hang on Kate."
[Just after blowing the Hospital to bits. Interestingly this bit of dialogue appears in the theatrical trailer on the DVD. They seem to have used footage from the rough cut of the hospital rescue scene for the trailer, which is not an unheard of practice.]
Holland:"We gotcha."
Kate:"All right."
Holland:"We gotcha."
Holland:"It's all right hon'."
[During bridge shootout.]
Vincent: "We'll hit them from 12 o'clock high."
Vincent: "Hit the nine pin Bob!"
? Bob: "I got him!"
[Running across the catwalk in front of the meteorite.]
Vincent: "Keep moving Bob, it's the grand-daddy of them all!"

10) What are the differences between the books and the movie? Comic books?

The Novelization: "The Black Hole"
There are a few differences between the book written by Alan Dean Foster (paperback ISBN #0-345-28538-7) and the film:

The Storybook: "The Black Hole Storybook"
The storybook, adapted by Shep Steneman, seems to be based on an earlier revision of the script given that it contains a number of things omitted from the final film:

The Comic Books
The comic book series for the film consists of four issues. The first two issues cover the original story pretty faithfully with some minor changes in the story (i.e. Reinhardt, not Maximillian, kills Durant; the detour through engineering in the escape sequence is included). The second issue ends with Vincent suggesting they should explore the new universe they've ended up in. The third issue "Beyond The Black Hole," picks up where the second issue left off, detailing the first part of their adventure in a parallel dimension.

Details on the fourth issue, which seems to be somewhat rare, have kindly been provided by Chris Rozee:

Entitled "Beyond the Black Hole" - Another Earth - Another Universe

The crew of the Palomino escape from the parallel-universe Cygnus in an escape craft, taking Old B.O.B. (who survives in this universe) with them. Old Bob explains some of the phenomenon to his new friends (comets zig-zag, the ship they saw when they passed through the Black Hole was really them reflected in a curve in time, etc). Bob also, in an effort to make the crew feel more at home, jets out into space and paints the name "Palomino" on the escape craft. Bob tells the crew about his past, how he was built on the planet Tyr, was originally programmed to care for children, the conquest of Tyr by Reinhardt, and his capture by Reinhardt. Bob also informs the crew that Dr. Reinhardt has conquered every planet he has found except the planet of the Virlights whose force fields he can't penetrate. Needing supplies and in hopes of a potential ally, they point the Palomino toward the Virlight planet. ...

Landing on the planet, they head towards the main city ALPH, finding a young child on the way. They next run into a group of Virlights who mistake them for Reindhart's humanoid robots, assuming they have kidnapped the child. The Virlights freeze them with a paralyzing ray and leave them to rust. Vincent, who was scouting ahead, returns and steals a Virlight gun, reversing the ray and unfreezing the Palomino crew from their stasis. Charlie trips and starts bleeding and the Virlights realize they are human not robots. The Virlights take them into the city where they are taken to the Temple of Truth. The priest and priestess hear their story, believe it and offer help. Just then a Virlight enters the temple to inform them that the new Palomino has been stolen. The comic concludes: "Trapped in another universe with no way to get home, Dan, Charlie, Kate an Vincent await their fate Beyond the Black Hole. Join us next time in Isssue #5!!! Near as I can tell, Issue 5 was never released though.

A side note: the caricature of Anthony Perkins' character (Dr. Durant) in this comic looks suspiciously like Weird Al Yankovich. Really.

11) Is there a soundtrack available for the film?

The only official release of John Barry's soundtrack for the film was the original LP, released in 1979 on Buena Vista Records (cat. #5008). It contains most of the music used in the film.

Here's the tracklist (with track times):

Overture (2:27) Durant Is Dead (2:31)
Main Title (1:46) Start The Countdown (3:51)
The Door Opens (3:38) Laser (2:15)
Zero Gravity (5:53) Into The Hole (5:00)
Six Robots (1:59) End Title (2:34)

For some more information on the soundtrack we go to a post from Marc St. Stephen:

The soundtrack to The Black Hole, by John Barry, was originally released on LP by Disney (Buena Vista Records). The LP contains just over 30 minutes of music and is of fair/poor sound quality. It has been out of print for quite a while now, but copies both sealed and unsealed are still floating around ...

Based on what I learned from Lucas Kendall (who publishes Film Score Monthly) Disney is sitting on the rights and master tapes to The Black Hole and will not reissue it on CD or allow anyone else to do so unless someone throws a great wad of money in their face and/or somehow proves to them beyond a shadow of a doubt that the re-release of The Black Hole will make tons of money for Disney.

Bootleg CD's
There have been two major bootleg releases of the film's soundtrack. The first bootleg release was paired with the Barry's score for "The Last Valley" - both of which are presented in MONO on this CD. The second bootleg of the soundtrack was put out by an Italian bootleg label, Mask, in July 1999. They paired "The Black Hole" with Barry's soundtrack to "Howard The Duck," and includes as bonus tracks "Star Crash" and "You Only Live Twice." The quality of the Mask release is unknown at this time.

I have also seen some small runs of CD-R's mastered from vinyl copies of the album - naturally, quality varies with the expertise behind the mastering of the individual CD-R's. The same proviso also applies to the bootleg CD's, as it is incredibly unlikely the bootleggers would have access to anything better than vinyl copies of the score.

Other Black Hole Related Soundtracks
In addition to the Buena Vista release of the film's soundtrack, Mego put out an LP with music from The Black Hole. Details on this and many other recordings with music from the Black Hole are listed below, courtesy of Nicolas Dage:

The MECO album is actually coupled with STAR TREK music... The label is CASABLANCA RECORDS NBLP 7196 (1980). There is only one track by John Barry. It's a disco version of the overture (3.50) with sound effect from the Reinhardt's hospital and from the asteroid shower. After you have 3 tracks : Clearmotion (3.59), Space Sentry (3.11) and Meteorites (3.50). All sections composed by Harold Wheeler. Nothing to do with the Barry score. The picture on the LP is from STAR TREK, so it's a record only for high level collectors.

You also can find BLACK HOLE music on CD collections :

Fantastic Journey - Telerac 80231 (1990) : Main Title, plus one separate track of black hole sound effect.

Music From The Galaxies - K-Tel NCD 3411 (1995) : Here is a very interesting recording. For some people it's a demo for the main theme. The fact is you can recognize the main theme, but it's played very slow and in a more hypnotic way. The last minute suggest the abrupt apparition of Captain S.T.A.R. or any sentry robots (Perhaps Maximilian).

Space And Beyond - Silva Screen FilmxCd 195 (1996) : An excellent suite of the rescue of Kate, Gravity Zero and Laser.

Sci-Fi's Greatest Hits Vol 1 - Final Frontiers - TVT 1950-2 (1999) . the original Overture.

[In any case, it's a great shame that the first all digitally recorded film score has not been released on any digital format to date. -dw]

12) What kind of records/memorabilia/merchandising exist from the film?

There were two other records put out by the Disney Corporation in conjunction with the film - the Read Along Record Book, and the Story of album.

For a detailed list of most, if not all other Black Hole merchandise produced, check out Chris Rozee's page for details - or pictures at least. See the next section for the web address.

13) Are there any Black Hole web pages?

Sure, and here's a list of the major Black Hole related pages on the Web:

The Black Hole Page - This is Chris Rozee's excellent site. Recommeded reading!

The Story of The Black Hole - HTMLized that is. Requires Internet Explorer to view.
Currently being reworked. New url will be added when it becomes available.

Disney's The Black Hole - This is my site. It contains the FAQ, widescreen images from the film, pictures of Black Hole memorabilia, period reviews, all these links, and more.

14) What articles have been published about the film?

Here's the current list of articles that I know exist regarding "The Black Hole."

Reviews: (National publications only)
Newsweek (December 24, 1979) - A review of the film as well as a short piece on Peter Ellenshaw.
Time (December 31, 1979)
Cinefantastique (Vol 9 #3&4 - Double Issue)

Articles About The Film:
Dynamite for Kids! (December 22, 1979) - Carried nationally in various newspapers. This brief article does contain some interesting information about the film.
American Cinematographer (January 1980) - A whole issue dedicated to the film.
Future Life #13 (September 1979) - Brief article (just over one page) with five pieces of conceptual art.
Disneyland Vacationland (Fall/Winter 1979-80) - Very small article that spans four pages, sparsely decorated with pictures from the film. Only notable for two photographs - a shot from the deleted "Christmas Turkey" scene (probably the same as the trading card), and a production shot (blue screen visible) from the beginning of the film in the control tower.
Cinefantastique (Vol 9 #3&4 - Double Issue) - A double issue of this film magazine almost entirely dedicated to the film.
Starlog (February 1980) - Interviews with Ron Miller (the film's producer) and Joseph Bottoms (Pizer).
Famous Monsters (#161 & 162)

15) Were there any goofs made in the film?

There are three minor, and one major goof made in the film:

16) Revision History

Fourth Revision (2/7/2000):

Improved the quality of my writing in some places. Rewrote Super 8 film description. Reworded section five, and portions of six and ten.
In section nine I replaced the excerpts from The Black Hole Storybook with the appropriate portions of the shooting script and added some appropriate notes. - Again, thanks Nicolas!
Added information about the Italian bootleg soundtrack CD.
Third Revision (6/28/1999):
Added info on other BH related soundtracks to the soundtrack section - thanks Nicolas!
Added Chris Rozee's description of BH Comic #4.
Removed the original text that I had written for the Story Behind The Story section and replaced it with the official chronology of the film as printed in Starlog magazine.
Updated DVD info.
Second Revision (4/1/1999):
Generally updated and improved almost everything, except for the Story Behind The Story section. This will be updated in the third revision.
First Revision (5/22/1998):
First released version of the FAQ. Generally worked out how everything would fit together. :)

17) A Final Word

Thanks for taking the time to read all of this - I hope it was both helpful and informative.

Please keep in mind that this is a work in progress, and that I am working to improve it (and complete it, where applicable).

If you have any suggestions, corrections, or contributions please e-mail me. Believe me, I really want to hear your feedback!

Denis W

This page is exclusively maintained by Denis Warburton.