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Paint Shop Pro 5 Backgrounds Tutorial
     Okay, ready?  Tutorials have always confounded me.  Not that I'm stupid, but when I'm reading something online I like it to be straight and to the point.  There are many wonderful tutorial sites (probably more effective than mine) that I will provide links for, but this site is designed for the absolute beginner!  Some knowledge of standard graphic program terms is helpful here, but not necessary.  Enough of that, let's cut to the chase.  To use this tutorial properly, you should either print these pages, or download Paint Shop Pro 5 and install it, open the program and follow along, going from window to window for each step. 

    First, to create a background like those included in my Graphics Sets, we begin with a picture that we're  fond of, or as in this case, whatever picture is currently set as wallpaper.  I chose this one because it was there at the time: 

    Picture of Knight Battling Dragron
    Original Image Size= 512 x 384 Pixels
  • Okay, using the SELECTION TOOL (it looks like a dotted rectangle on the tool bar), with the CONTROL PALETTE WINDOW (that's a little floating window named controls - it's activated by pressing the button that looks like a window with an up and down arrow on it between the magnifying glass and the and the rainbow-looking button) set to SELECTION TYPE=ELLIPSE, FEATHER=0, ANTI ALIAS IS NOT CHECKED, select an area that you'd like to focus around [NOTE:  When using the Circle or Ellipse Selection Tools, start selecting in the center of the areas you want selected].  While the area is selected, choose SELECT (from the topmost toolbar - the one that starts with File), then choose CONVERT TO SEAMLESS PATTERN from the drop-down menu.  This will provide you with seamless tiles to use in various ways (I refer to them as FILL images, but you'll get that later) as shown below.  These are the tiles I chose from the picture above:
Knight Picture Seamless Tile
Image 1
218 x 118 Pixels
Image 2
182 x 224 Pixels
  • Now, when working with tiles, especially if you plan to combine them in any way, I find it best that the height and/or width be an even multiple of 25 (i.e., 50, 75, 100, etc.).  This makes the image size calculations much easier to work with, as you'll see below.  We'll begin by making a picture tile for use as a tiled background.  First, we resize Image 1 by choosing IMAGE from the topmost toolbar, then RESIZE, which brings up the RESIZE WINDOW.  Here you choose PIXEL SIZE, HEIGHT=50 (which automatically sets the size for the width at 92), making sure that RESIZE TYPE=SMART SIZE, and RESIZE ALL LAYERS and MAINTAIN ASPECT RATIO ARE CHECKED and click OKAY.  Image 1 is now 50(h) x 92(w).  I repeated the same procedure for Image 2, however, I made it 200(h) x 162(w).
  • Now what?  Well, the knight or the dragon by themselves would be pretty boring (at least, my idea of boring), so we're going to combine them.  Paint Shop Pro has already done the work of making a large seamless tile for us, so we'll use that as our NEW IMAGE size.  In the NEW IMAGE WINDOW, we choose the same height and width of our largest tile.  In this case, WIDTH=162 HEIGHT=200 in PIXELS, RESOLUTION=400 PIXELS/INCH, IMAGE TYPE=16.7 MILLION COLORS (24-BIT) [NOTE: If you aren't working in 16 million colors, many of the features won't work.  I like to reduce my finished file to 256 colors, this will bring your file size down, and make your images look good to almost everyone.  You can then increase the file size back to 16 million colors and save it as a jpg file, which results in a smaller file size than a gif file does.  I only use gif for transparency or animations, but that's another tutorial.] and choose OKAY
  • "Why would we want to do that?", you're probably asking.  Even if you're not, I'll tell you.  First, we're going to tile the dragon picture on our new image.  Choose FLOOD FILL (that little paint can dripping on the toolbar), now on the CONTROL PALETTE WINDOW (which will automatically change to the flood fill controls), we choose FILL STYLE=PATTERN, MATCH MODE=NONE, TOLERANCE=0, OPACITY=100 (that's percentage), SAMPLE MERGED IS NOT CHECKED, now click on OPTIONS.  This opens the FLOOD FILL OPTIONS WINDOW.  Choose FILL STYLE=PATTERN (which should already be chosen for you), BLEND MODE=NORMAL, NEW PATTERN SOURCE=IMAGE 1 (In this example it does, anyway.  You can double-check in the preview window below the pattern box.  Now CLICK INSIDE OF THE NEW IMAGE and the dragon image (well, at least that's was tiled in mine) will be tiled upon it.  Now for the cool stuff, REPEAT ALL THE STUFF IN THIS PARAGRAPH except CHANGE OPACITY TO 50, and CHANGE PATTERN SOURCE to IMAGE 2 (which in this case is the knight).  Now CLICK ON TOP OF THE TILED IMAGE and you get the following result:
Knight and Dragon Tile Image
To see this on a page, just click on the image.
  • Before saving your image, choose COLORS on the topmost toolbar, then DECREASE COLOR DEPTH, and 256 COLORS (8 BIT).  Go to FILE, SAVE  AS, press CTRL+J (for jpg file type), choose a FILE NAME (do not bother with the file extension, since it's automatically chosen as jpg already), choose OPTIONS and the SAVE OPTIONS WINDOW will open.  I use STANDARD ENCODING with  COMPRESSION FACTOR=50.  I'm not sure if this is good or bad, but it works for me (maybe I should try to find another tutorial on this subject~hmmmm...).  Now click SAVE.  A window will pop-up with a lot of stuff about having to increase the color depth, etc.  Just click OKAY.
    If you've been following along (switching from browser window to your Paint Shop Pro 5 window), you've just created your first picture overlay background tile.  But it was boring, remember.  Or, maybe it's just the picture I chose.  It obviously wasn't one that I believed would make a great graphic or it would be displayed in my graphics section.  But it's a good example of how you can make a picture more exciting.  But now we're gonna make it even more exciting by creating a seamless repeat edge pattern.  Ready? 
You are here. Tutorial Page Two Tutorial Page Three Tutorial Page Four


Graphics created with Paint Shop Pro