J & J's Place
Martin Caidin
Aquarius Mission!

Jacket Blurb
An epic thriller of the silent world beneath the sea that will leave you breathless with high-powered excitement

Many miles deep-
Where sunlight never penetrates

Many miles deep-
Where giant eels generate megaton power

Many miles deep-
Where the discovery of a spectacular civilization holds the key to the survival of mankind

J Says

I LOVE this book! So much that I've completely lost track of how many times I've read it. Although Martin's chief claim to fame is that he wrote Cyborg (the novel that The Six Million Dollar Man was based on), this is his best that I've read so far. I've only read one or two other titles written by him, although I'll admit that Cyborg was not one of them, and didn't find them to be all that great.

The concept of a hidden race of water breathing humans fascinates me. Every time I read the story of the U.S.S. Sea Trench's voyage of discovery to their underwater world I enjoy it even more.

You'll have to work extra hard to find this one. As far as I know, it's out of print but the hunt through all the used book stores is more than worth the effort!

It's sometimes available here if you want to buy it online:
Seaside Book & Stamp - Martin Caidin

For those of you who know me from the Station, this is the novel that gave CaptManning his name.


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