The Necronomicon aka "The Book Of Dead Names"
All fans of Lovecraft have pondered over his haunting references to the Necronmicon of the "Mad Arab". Said to reveal incantations which put the reader in contact with the "Great Old Ones", did this book ever exist? Does it exist today? Rather than compiling my own information on the "Book Of Dead Names", I will provide links to other pages which have done the job far better than I ever could.
The Neconomicon Anti-FAQ
The Truth About The Necronomicon
Dr. John Dee, the Necronomicon, & the Cleansing of the World
The Fake Necronomicons
Lovecraft's Necrominicon
The Alledged Lovecraft History Of The Necronomicon
The Fake Necronomicons of Ye Olde Internet
The Simon Necronomicon