This was actually our first gaming system that we played in together as a group. This was also the time when we had the most participants, with 8 people contributing to the general melee.

Talislanta is an extremely well thought out game system. The rules are all condensed onto one action chart, making game play a lot quicker than in most systems. The magical spells in the second edition were a little difficult to use properly, but this was later corrected in the third edition rules. My understanding is that a fourth edition set of rules is due out soon, sometime in August 1998 (and apparently the magic system has been simplified even further).

Our initial game party consisted of 7 characters: Pakola Digue, an Ur clansman / Quint, the Samir Hunter / Sparhawk, the Gryph Warrior / Nakor, the Zandir (Swordsman and general eyesore) / Talisman the renegade Aamanian Warrior-Priest / a Thrall warrior we affectionately called "Post"/ and a Pharesian Peddler whose name eludes me.

Another point in which Talislanta excels is the highly developed cultures of the individual races. Unsure of how to play that 4-armed savage warrior you just made the statistics for? Just look him up in the book that covers his homeland, and you'll have a pretty good idea of what makes him tick.

If I there is any problem to be said about Talislanta is that it is sadly no longer in print. After having switched ownership at least 4 times since it was first conceived, it now rests in the hands of Shooting Iron. They are currently in the process of editing a new edition of the rules, and apparently even have a second book in the makings. However, release seems to be constantly pushed further and further into the future.

A New Era is dawning...

After waiting many years for a 4th edition rulebook to come out, it was decided to put together a new band of adventurers with or without the benefit of an updated rulebook. The journey began terribly enough, with everyone clapped in irons aboard an Imrian slave corracle. Things could only get better...

The Cast
Dahlia: a Batrean Concubine, newly captured from the Isle of Batre. Talks like Cordelia from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" / "Angel".
Panu: an 8-year old Muse Telepath, captured by Imrians while raiding Astar. Extremely foulmouthed for a child, hurls insults that make hardened mercenaries blush.
Rain: an Ariane Druas or Seeker, Rain let himself get captured by the Imrians for the experience of being imprisoned. Thankfully, they had no idea what a tamar was and let him keep it.
Zuk'Toth: a Kang Warrior-Priest of Zoriah, Zuk'Toth is the muscle of the group. Zuk'Toth was captured by the Imrians when his ship was rammed & sunk by the Imrians pet Kra eels.
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