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A Brief Introduction

Amtgard is another live-action game, but this is one where you actually get to hit people. We have practice on Fridays at DeSmet Circle (on the end of Standard st.) It uses foam covered PVC (aka boffers) as weapons, with daggers, broadswords and staves being the most common. Gonzaga's chapter is called the Unknown Shire, and is open to the general public. It plays a lot like D&D, with character classes and stuff, but most of the time we just beat on each other, instead. Our 'real' battlegame times are Sunday afternoons in Spokane's Riverfront park at noon. We meet by this clocktower that looks like an Americanized version of Big Ben or something. I'm sure those of you from Spokane know where I'm talking about. And in Amtgard, just to keep it safe, no head shots are allowed. A waiver is also required to play the official game.
Amtgard info courtesy of Colleen Bair

© 1997

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