9.16.04 So, I'd completely forgotten about this little hole on the web, that apparently at least a couple people still look at, thanks to Molly and her LiveJournal. I know that's how I remembered to visit it! In any case, I've decided that for now I'm going to use it as a shameless promotional tool for my favorite alternative to Microsoft's rectal discharge that some might call their "web browser". So, if you don't already have Firefox, give it a try! Man, it's so much better than IE. I, for one, can never, ever go back to IE and its popups and spyware automatically downloading... and those damn popups that go way off screen, or the bloody ones you can't close, and the stupid pop-unders! And security issues! Don't get me started on security issues! Whoever thought tying the web browser in with all sorts of critical functions of the OS is an IDIOT! Alright, I'm going to stop ranting about IE before I chew through my leather straps and get loose. No one would want that, now would they?
7.24.03 I got bored, and decided to add the "Word you probably didn't want to know" feature. Just look to your left. If it's not there, then I probably changed it. Because I'm like that.
5.20.03 After a brief hiatus, I am back! And the preview version of the page is up and ready to be viewed here! I just got an interview for the position of Web Design coordinator for the Publicity Office! I'm hoping that page is enough to convince them, because my other "portfolio" really isn't all that good!! Meh...
4.18.03 Okay, I'm done with the main page, and almost done with some of the other pages, but I have some problems with putting it up on Geocities. You know that annoying adsquare thing that geocities forces you to have on every page? well, it throws the alignment of my tables out of whack, so I'm going to switch over to being hosted, kinda, by a friend of mine. Just temporarily, but at least then I can get the new page up and it'll look fine. So, I'll tell you when it's up and where it is!
3.28.03 Lookit! A new background thingy! No, this isn't the big update I've been blabbering about... but wouldn't it be funny if it was?? hehehe. Ahem. Anyway, yeah, admire the drippy rust-ness. More coming soon! The new layout is coming along nicely. I've got most of the logistics of it out of the way. As soon as I get settled in at college, I'll be able to finish it up, and get it up. Uh, the page that is...
3.24.03 I'm not sure if anyone has even been checking this lately, but I haven't forgot about this page! I intend to get SOMETHING up soon, if for no other reason than I think what's up here now is as ugly as a yak! Well, now, that wasn't very nice, was it? The yak is a beautiful creature, one of mother nature's most lovely! So, it's a little awkward looking... It's still a great thing. Plus, it has a really funny name. Yak. Yak! hehe, say it with me now... yak! hehe, yak! Yak yak yak, that's all I ever do! ;)
2.18.03 I've been working on the page a lot lately, but mostly in Photoshop, so nothing more has come up here. Unfortunately for me, I am currently without computer and without my car, as my car broke down, and I've been stranded at my grandfather's. So, it might be a little while before I'm able to work on it again. I think it's coming along very nicely! It certainly looks a lot better than the way it looks now! Bleh! :)
2.13.03 Added background image, changed this news bar to incorporate the graphic, and make it all purdy like, and I've started some top secret testing of another version of the main page, trying to make it look all spiffy-like! Who knows when it'll be done, but one can always hope soon, right? Besides which, I know no one is looking at this! And if you are, then hooray for you! Okay, it's 4:30 in the morning, so I'm going to sleep! ::mumbles:: Stupid web design... making me stay up all night...
2.12.03 Numerous other improvements have been made to this main page, including changing the background colors, adding an image you see to your left, and making this little updates thingy into a scrollable thingy! Go thingies! Yay!
2.11.03 I have made the monumental decision to make this site into a place for me to spew forth unending volumes of my thoughts! Mwa ha ha! It will be entertainment for all, else all shall suffer! MWA HA HA HA!...
Anyhoo, I'll be slowly making updates, and I might even actually tell someone about this sometime. Unless I forget. Then I won't. Yeah!