The Dark Angel's Dwelling

Welcome to the Home of Alex Krycek

Everyone needs a home. I hope that here Alex Krycek, bad boy of the X-Files, can find solace in an unhostile environment. In this place, I hope to accumulate much Krycek literature, and fanfiction. Of course, Krycek's RL counterpart, Nick Lea, is free to drop by any time. Why not? He's probably not faring well having people identify him with our dark angel. If you have anything to submit, please feel free to email me with your pictures, or your website, or your fanfiction. I'll gladly take whatever comes my way. But let's remember the one rule: fanfiction and pictures cannot be NC-17. Not gonna post it, no way, no how. Sorry, but it's my only rule.

Okay so, for the first post, let's see what's she's got under her hat, Johnny. Why, look, it's one of her own fan fiction pieces.

No Exit,R,
is the first time that I've attempted a Krycek fic piece. It's a little piece of introspection brought to us by our wonderful rat boy. Do you think that he justifies what he does, that he has no remorse for his actions? Read on, and maybe you'll form a slightly different opinion.

Got something that you want to add to my page?

Places to Go in My Home

My Main Room
My Romance Room
My Humor Page

This page created by geocities, and the help of my caffeine-warped brain. Oh, and the dedication of Nicholas Lea to his character and the women who love him for it.