May Wong

This is a character I made up. The pictures on this site are the images I choose to represent what my character looks like. What I have written here has nothing to do with the actual living person, who these are pictures of. If you are interested in the real silent film actress please go here. If not, please enjoy this page.



May Wong was born in Shanghi, China. She was very involved with the theater, and became a very good actress in the 1920's. She became engaged to a very wonderful man named Rick, and things were going very well for her. Until one day...

Why she went to hell:

May had a best friend named Le. Le loved her friend a lot, but not as much as she loved Rick. Le seduced Rick and convinced him to leave May for her. May was so angry when she found out about this that she killed Le without a second thought.


After killing Le, May looked at the body and realised what she had done. She cried until Rick found her in Le's house, holding her bloody knife in a trembling hand over Le's remains. May's crying did not save her. For Rick got so angry, he killed May without thinking about what he was doing.


"Do not act upon your emotions! A person should be guided by rational thinking." This is the lesson May has learned.


May entered the Hell of Upside-down Sinners.

Came back from the Grave

May came back as a vampire to teach Rick the lesson she had learned. Now that he knows, May must teach others her lesson.

Vampire Life

She is a producer of performance art in Shanghi. She protects the traditional Chinese arts--like Chinese Opera, and shadow puppets. She also produces plays that honor the dead and her ancestors.

May, like all Chinese officials, takes brides--If a playwrite wants their play performed, they have to talk to May. If an actor wants the lead role without having to audition, all they need do is talk to May. May, in turn, bribes all the necessary officials in order to get the job down. May is only as corrupt as the society she is in, which is very corrupt at this time.

May could not accomplish her job without the help of her cluefull human, Soloman Stein. He takes care of most of the affairs at the mortal office. May rarely has to talk to people in person because Soloman does that for her. He is essential to the opporations of May's production studio.

Dia Shoe is May's other secretary. She takes care of the super-natural business that May deals with. With both secretaries, May can spend her time doing the important things in unlife: converseing with the recently dead, researching in the library, and experimenting with her powers. What more can a Bone Flower want?

The Wu: Puzzle of Blood

Yet, there was one thing missing: being a member of a Wu. Some of May's associates had suggested that May should join up with a group of other vampires for protection. They know that she can take care of herself against most things, but there are creatures out there that a vampire would not want to face alone. And there is the fact that May would be more acknowledged by her fellow Kindred if she were part of a group.

Hence, someone asked her to become part of the "Puzzle of Blood" Wu, she considered it. The vampire told her that she was just what the Wu needed to become more balanced. The Wu had members from all of the cardinal directions, except West. May, if she joined, would fill in that gap. After many hours of thinking and meditation, May decided to join the group.

Other Character Details
