The Robert (Baloo) Dunehew "I Like This" Award is given to sites which I have stumbled across and believe to be superior in some special way. You can't submit your site to win this award, but if I visit your site and am sufficiently impressed, I will give it the award.
If you see a site displaying this placard and it isn't listed here, email me!
And the first award goes to:
Absurd, yet strangely compelling, this site was so good that I created this award.
The Second award goes to:
I helped several other people assemble this site and I stand behind my (and their) work.
The Third award goes to:
This is one of a handful of sites that inspired me to put my own visions of the future on display.
The Fourth award goes to:
John G. Cramer's Home Page contains a collection of "Alternate View" science columns written by John G. Cramer (who else?) for Analogue science fiction magazine. Educational without the sleep-inducing effects of other science-oriented articles.
The Fifth award goes to:
Bernd Schneider's Star Trek Website
A unique site with a number of well-considered
conjectural starship designs.
Not just another collection of kit-bashes here, but several intriguing new designs.
The Alpha Quadrant Institute of Technology
Feel free to copy the above banner if you wish to provide a link to this site.