Welcome to Klingzai's Guestbook! Please feel free to sign and put anything you feel like saying in there. But, please avoid using profanity. I have no personal problem with it, but GeoCities is a little more sensitive towards it and I would lik to keep this site. Thanx for visiting.

LaDy LuNa - 11/27/00 03:03:59
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/PsycoNeko
My Email:cmw8728@aol.com
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: I searched for Tiger Eye on Altavista.com. Odd, ne?

Oi! Spiffy site! I like the fonts. PS Don't trust the penguins. They just want to eat your prunes. AAAAH!

Pimp Daddy - 07/25/00 16:22:30
My Email:CrzyRvr420@hotmail.com
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: Ur mom

this page absolutely sux, and u need help, u need to delete this entire page, cuz it is completly useless, make it worth people's while, to waste there time here, heh heh j.k, peace out d o double g

Sterling Anderson - 06/19/00 13:56:13
My Email:sterlingsilverst@netscape.net
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: I was looking for wallpaper and your Dragorns & dungeons site came up, I clicked on the "back to my page" so did

your sites pretty cool, do you have any games or something? or is it just pics and stuff. anyway nice site Sterling Anderson

Freakazo¥d - 05/16/00 12:15:20
My URL:www.respawn.cjb.net
My Email:tk421____@htomail.com
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: suuuuuuuuuuuuuurfing!!!

najs dude.. ..

i dont know - 04/06/00 08:31:38


Finduilas - 02/08/00 05:55:17
My URL:http://www.spiderspace.net/finduilas/index.htm
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: off Altavista

The Tolkien downloads are nice, however the background on the main page is a bit hard to read.

paula - 01/25/00 00:48:04
My Email:PJSGizmo@aol.com
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: From dragons eye


Logan AK3 - 11/14/99 02:31:53
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: was looking for mp3 and thought you might have some

guess you dont have any huh?

joe razo - 08/16/99 22:59:01
My Email:razoj@twcny.rr.com
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: thru moochers site

i like your site and downloaded the tolkien stuff. thxs for providing the site.

Jenny - 07/19/99 21:23:27
My Email:JenBabe191@aol.com

hey Chris...Your page is good...i like it...but just wanted to say hi...love-ya alaway Jenny

EvFoX1013 - 06/23/99 17:12:19
My URL:http://geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/7932/FolieaDeux.html
My Email:master_ev@geocities.com
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: dude?

Dude this page rocks. Groovy fonts man.

- 04/08/99 00:54:19


princess sara - 04/02/99 04:05:25
My Email:dreams_girl@hotmail.com
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: umm.... umm.... u figure it out

hi person.... i jsut finished talking to u... thought id drop by and say HELLO!.... anyways... i think u should update my page..... heheheheh i havent been there recnetly.....well email me

Jay Sheehy - 02/04/99 16:19:43
My Email:James_Sheehy@dell.com
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: Mouse pointers

When trying to dowload kept getting following message "invalid install.log file" wondering if this is an internal problem with my file or a problem with the downloads.Besides this hickup I found a great variety of downloads and info. Cheers Jay

DragonFire - 01/05/99 19:31:44
My URL:http://www.voicenet.com/~riolo/dragonfire/
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: Surfing the WWW


Come and visit my homepage...

Don't forget to sign my guestbook and add your
homepage URL to my Link Page before you leave!

10/16/98 07:38:18
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing Thanks

Cindy - 09/23/98 22:50:25
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Charlie Good (UK) - 09/23/98 13:04:16
My Email:Charlie_Good@hotmail.com
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: I Chris's Email, Thought I would look for Klingzai

Cool Site, I have decided to read the lord of the ring Now!!! I Love sum of the Fonts,and the pictures, When I have a site of my own I'll let you Know!

Dawn Campbell - 08/26/98 04:38:54
My Email:bashful58
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: i asked chris

this is phat:)

Dave - 08/19/98 23:09:44
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Jackal060/index.html
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: You told me!

Cool site man. Get down to Medfid sometime and chill. Either that, or get me to Somerville. ~^* DAVE *^~

Chris O'Connell - 08/19/98 23:04:48
My URL:http://ilovefatchicks.com
My Email:Sarek1076@aol.com
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: Got here by mistake when pretending to clean bathrooms.

Why does everybody call me toolbox?

Daisie1415 - 07/11/98 14:56:16
My Email:Daisie1415@aol.com
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: Klingzai gave me the address

Hi Chris

Shoney - 07/08/98 20:51:33
My Email:8thnote@bellsouth.net
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: Kickin.

Love the hobbit, middle earth series. Had to check out your site. Havnt had the chance to unzip the cursers and stuff. But I did want to say that I havnt seen the asteriods game in years. Thanks you just made me feel my age. Will send this link to some friends. Enjoyed it.

Richie - 07/08/98 00:53:06
My Email:CrazyRichy@AOL.com
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: The link was on Chewys WebPage

Dude, sick webpage. Its cool. Just thought i'd let you know that I enjoyed it. Later man.

Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 13:21:14
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Dawn - 06/26/98 04:49:54
My Email:Sky6926
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: My cos showed me

Well Chris I think it's pretty freaky I like it. I used Megan's name under guest at a friends house. Well I like it. Talk to my cos Megan Later. Later Dawn

Jenny Linclon - 06/23/98 18:54:05
My Email:Angel77251@aol.com
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: Megan showed me

It's pretty cool! How do you do it?? Well anyways. I like it. Just thought I would let you know. Love Jenny

W. Heineken - 06/22/98 22:57:56
My URL:http://spc.edu
My Email:wheineken.hotmail.com
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: interesting


Erica - 06/22/98 15:10:20
My Email:asif1313@aol.com
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: megan showed me

Hi chris the web page is kinda freaky. Are you now like obsessed with the dark side? U need serious help Love always erica

Shannon - 06/20/98 10:10:02
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Tayzbabe/index.htm
My Email:Aradia2@hotmail.com
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: 'Cause I'm friends with Chris!!

Hey Chris!! Cool page!! Thanks for putting my link up!! I have to work on it some more, there is, like, barely anything there!! Anyway, I like the page!! C-ya! <3-Shannon P.S. I feel a little dizzy! hehe

Megs aka Angel - 06/16/98 21:46:14
My Email:Angel77251@aol.com
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: Chris's gave me the address

It is pretty cool just the dark side stuff freaks me out. =)

Jani Deaux - 06/12/98 06:11:01
My Email:jani@nol.net
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: looking through Nonags

Love the dragon hatchling pic

mat - 06/07/98 04:43:11
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~ShadowWarriors
My Email:mathew@halstad.means.net
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: Klingzai

Kick ass graphics. Keep up the great work. Visit my page for the b.net clan The Shadow Warriors

KK:) - 06/05/98 03:57:33
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi/mixedinblenderbyme/
My Email:tarochips@hotmail.com
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: ICQ

I just love the graphics!! This must've taken much effort to create! KK:)

Kathy Fisher - 06/02/98 08:59:32
My Email:tigerpaws@iname.com
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: link from site

Great set up! I can't wait to see the finished product!

Michael - 05/29/98 20:40:25
My Email:Valdaer@aol.com
How did you find Klingzai's Dominion?: I did by looking at a candy bar and swallowing..

PAT PAT PAT PAT IS [homosexual][homosexual][homosexual] What's up Krisofa, your sites pretty cool but you reall gotta clean up some of the pictures with an editor. My Home page can't be updated because of Kiddie Lock, so put a label next to the link telling that.. Well, I gotta jet, and tell everyone that I' going to play the guitar totally out of tune!! Bye bye now! Mike (A) Goodrich The (A) is for Anarchy!

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