Here is a list of some of the coolest sites on the net. Also included in this list are the sites of most of my friends. I am also going to let people ask me to put their site here if they will return the favor. If you are interested, see the bottom of the page. Thanx

A cool Star Wars and Final Fantasy page developed by Zekk Marshall

MiXeD in Blender (By Me!)

These are some of the deepest poems I have ever read...

Great stuff at the right priceOne of the most powerful search engines available

Get Netscape! This is the program I useGet MS IE!

An extremely huge collection of 88x31 buttons (Including Mine!)

WinZip is a necessary tool for everyone!


If you would like me to place your page in my linkz, either E-mail me or send me an ICQ message on my main page and I will look at your site. And if you would, I would appreciate it if you would return the favor. Thanx


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 Copyright Christopher Magnell