Live Action Role Playing Club

Buffalo & Rochester New York, USA

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Last Updated 08/21/2000

Future Events: Next: September 8-10, Stone Haven Boy Camp. October 20-22, Stone Haven Boy Scout Camp.


Adventures in Mid-Land is a not for profit club dedicated to the running of live action games. Live action games are conducted in real time, and in real settings; where your mind, not your dice determine the outcome. Live action games are an exciting combination of interactive theater and an adventure game. There are no spectators, only players. Everyone is a part of the story. Players use a combination of fictional skills (such as spell casting) and actual ability (such as sword play) to guide their characters through thrilling adventures. During a game you might be expected to fight monsters, sneak past the town guard, pick a lock, or even crawl through a dark tunnel. Every aspect of fantasy gaming can be acted out.

Did you ever imagine that you could play the part of your favorite fantasy character? Now is your chance! Put down those dice, joysticks, and cards, and try your hand at the real thing. Collect treasure, slay monsters, and influence the world! Enter a realm where life is still viewed in shades of black and white, not just gray. Where your sword, and your thirst for adventure is all you need to survive.

Every month, all year round, players gather in the rolling country side of Buffalo, New York. As the weekend starts, an otherwise normal boyscout camp is turned into a fantasy town. Some players take up residence in the Inn, others set up their own camps. Some players choose to play the parts of monsters and other supporting roles. With things underway, the adventure begins. Some adventures happen randomly. Players may stumble upon a band of thieving goblins, for example. Other adventures are pre-planned. Players may get hired by a local lord to explore a tunnel complex near his castle. Often players make their own adventures, working deals and quests of their own. It is not unusual for most of the intrigue to be created by the players themselves. The possibilities are endless!

With over ten years of experience, Adventures in Mid-Land makes it easy for anyone to get started in this exciting hobby. Mid-Land also features a unique, well play tested rule system. The rules have been designed for live action role playing, not just rehashed from common table top rules. Fantasy is not the only option at Mid-Land. For players not interested in fantasy games, Adventures in Mid-Land also offers Horror and Science Fiction style games. These scenarios are run almost every weekend before the fantasy game gets under way. If you are new to the hobby, or a veteran looking to escape the same old doldrums, you've got a place in Adventures in Mid-Land.

For More Information Please Contact Mid-Land At

Web-Site designed and created by Glenn Larish
If you wish to contact him about site design, email at