Polar Bear's Great Library




The Icelord gazed through his crystal ball. He was far from Chimlevtal and magic on Ghea was distrupted. His power and will was such that he still kept the lines of communication open to his Alastari home city.
The beautiful elven druidess Polar Bear and Braglane Bluethumb, Chief Scribe of The Council of Lords gazed back.
"So, the invaders are well contained..." stated the
Arch-Mage. "The siege will be broken."
"Indeed." replied Polar Bear. "Though this should be a time of joy, I have no time to celebrate. I must
return to Polaris. I will accompany Aeolus and Kronos to the Home Realm. I must also attend council with The Great Druidess, Silver Bear, and the Great Druid, Argo Whitewood. Matters are urgent."
"I understand and have also seen the missives sent,
m'Lady." replied The Icelord. "Understand, when Bosk and I complete this quest, we will take care of
matters there. Also, all 13 Lord Protectors of The
Stormguards, led by Tempus as well as Lord Protectors from The Stormbringers stand by for your orders."
"They have been briefed. Lord Protector Lightning will take charge of our guildhouse here." said Polar Bear.
"At your word, Bluethumb will make the annual Year in Review to the citizens of Chimlevtal."
"I give the word." replied The Icelord. He gazed over his shoulder as Bosk spoke with Valtorvanth the Dragon. They would depart soon.
"Then I say farewell for now, m'Lord. Never let the
evil ones win." With that, the druidess blew a kiss to The Icelord.
The blue eyes of The Icelord blazed. "Never fear,
noble lady, they will not." He bowed deeply. "Until
your return or we see each other again on Polaris."

DM: Crusader Lord, Big Bloated Ben and Googam twice each. Once each for Ebenezer Grymt, 2X4, Ace O'Spades, Ciaran Ap Gruffydd, 98 Pound Weakling, Hamish and Sidon.
CH REC LDR: (ties included) Hamish (3), Crusader Lord (2), Googam (2), Big Bloated Ben (2) and once each for Ebenezer Grymt, 2X4, Ace O'Spades, 98 Pound Weakling, and Sidon.
POP LDR: Kaz (7) and Crusader Lord (6).
UNCH REC LDR: Greyskin Fog (4), Neon Shadow (3)and once for Queen Olean, 98 Pound Weakling and Pietro.
WEEK'S FAV: Once each for Sidon, Hud Huey, Allanlaigh, Cpl Punishment, Monkey Bar, Zaius, The 6th Sense, Big Bloated Ben, 98 Pound Weakling, Lady Doom, Thursday Night, 5-Star Rating and Mt. Pilot Fungirl.
CURRENT TOP TEAM; Unfit To Be Orcs (6), The
Stormguards (4) and once each for The Stormbringers,
Numbers Game and Whammo & Thudda 4U!
TOP TEAM ON THE MOVE/PTS GAINED: Unfit To Be Orcs (55)(65)(53), Fabulous Goonies (42)(64), The Canucks (54), Darque Forces (51), Briteron By (60), Cisum S.Ekard (51), Military Mayhem (54), Sol Invictus (37), The Nighthawks (42) and Whammo & Thudda 4U! (47).
TOP HONORS/CH TEAM: Unfit To Be Orcs (11), The Stormguards (1) and Urban Guerilla (1).
TOP HONORS/UNCH TEAM: Barge of the Dead (5), Goblyn's Layr(2) and once each for Superior Forces 20T, Unfit To Be Orcs, The Jesuits III, Valtarna, Sol Invictus and 4 Letter Fruit Bats.
PS: Googam (8) and Krac D'Chevaliers (1).
ST: Hamish (7), Crusader Lord (3), Big Bloated Ben (2) and 98 Pound Weakling (1).
SL: Sidon (7), Private Room (3) and Zaius (3).
BA: Niac Rehtorb (3), Paradoxe (2) and once for
Ebenezer Grymt, Belial and Pandro II.
LU: Ace O'Spades (5), Beer Belly Bob (5) and once for Ruaraidh, Palladice and Nediam Nori.
PR: 2X4 (1).
TP: Ciaran Ap Gruffydd (7), Babbs Bunny (2), Ravaged (2), Rogue (1) and Upstanding Otis (1).
PL: Tyre (9) and Neon Shadow (2).
AB: Kronos (6), Captain Kangaroo (2), Insidious Idiot (2), Stephen (1) and Pi (1).
WOS: Retaeh T. Maerd (5), Greyskin Fog (3), Bladefist (2) Whizbangwaste (1) and Jynxx (1).

Braglane Bluethumb closed the scroll and walked back to the fortified guildhouse of The Stormguards. Happy New Year Chimlevtal.

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