Realms of the Dragon Links
This is a comprehensive list of links that have to do with information about almost every guild found in the Realms. The pages you will find were chosen to appear here only because they contain guild related information concerning the game. Personal pages of players of the Realms will be available in a separate page in this site.
Klaxender's page:
A rather outdated but still quite useful resource page about the paladin guild.
Glow's paladin page
A newly created page for the paladin guild. Lots of useful information.
Yachim's paladin page:
Yachim has a large webpage about almost every guild in the realms. This is the paladin section.
Balthazar's paladin resources.
A page with some useful links about the paladins, along with a frequently updated list of members.
Baelzamon's paladin toolkit:
This is the former paladin AGM's webpage about the guild.
Mel's paladin album:
An outdated page with pictures of the paladins as they were about a year ago.
Theoden's office:
A site maintained by the Guild Master. Extensive information about roleplaying and pking as a paladin.
Leia's pages:
A quite rich in information site about the pyromancers.
Cleobulus' webpage
A newly built site by Cleobulus, check out the society of innovation page or the 'proposal of the month' for interesting ideas about the realms.
The eternal flame:
Another one of the the scrolls written by Demus about the Realms. A pyro's handbook.
Camaris' page about the pyromancers
Zolach's Sorcerer page:
A very old page about the sorcerer's.
Twist's Sorcerer page:
A certainly more up to date page about this guild but still a small one. Very useful for those who want to start a sorcerer though.
Kwon's ninja page:
This is an impressively built page on the ninja guild.
The official priest page:
Eomer's page about the priests, all the information you need to build one.
Deathlok's priest page:
The priest AGM's page about the guild with useful information about triggers and other non-rod related things.
Cthulhu occultists page:
A very well built webpage about the guild. Invaluable information for the newbie. You can find a large collection of maps in Cthulhu's pages
Aevlom's Occultist guild:
Another impressive page about this deadly guild.
Madmind's mages
The oldest one of the the mage pages and still the richest.
The official mage page:
Maintained by Shaolin, you can find everything you need to know about this guild here.
Da mage page:
Gokou's contribution in keeping the future mages well informed.
Anakardain's guides:
Here you can find several ways for advancing your wizard.
Wizards' scroll:
The best page available about the wizard guild.
War Wizards
Rohir's War Wizard scroll:
Advancing, equiping and playing a war wizard, everything you need to know. Slightly outdated.
Minas' fighter guide:
The best resource page available for the fighters.
The fighter guild homepage:
Maintained by Gorge, a very useful resource.
Cayna's ranger domain:
Maintained by the Guild master, information about those who are interested in starting a ranger.
Unofficial ranger homepage:
Maintained by Ragnar, a growing resource with information beyond the guild
The tree's tale:
A pretty page about the ranger guild, its people and its roleplaying profile.
Xaiv's Ranger page:
A freshly built page about the rangers.
Dark knights
Resartus' Dark Knight academy:
One of the best pages about RoD I've seen.
Marauder's Elite: The Dark Knights:
A new and promising webpage about the Knights of darkness.
Lolth's chosen:
Destiny's page about the clerics. A bit old.
Da pirate page:
Want to start a pirate? You have to take a look at how pirates talk.
Demus' druid runes:
The only page about this guild out there. Another one of Demus' up to date and rich in content pages.
Battlith's warrior page:
A huge and impressive set of webpages. Lots of information on just about anything on RoD. A cool collection of pictures of realmers, probably the largest available.
Starfire's alchemist page:
Unfinished but still full of useful tips on how to start and advance an alchemist.
Clyde's Shadowthief's Den,
The shadowthief guild:
These are, along with Jeana's page, the 3 available webpages on the STs. Really lots of information on them.
There are also some organizations that have pages on their own. These are for now:
The Order of Light
(maintained by Luthar, a council member, this page is relatively new but seems it will grow big in time)
Liorinin (maintained by Zen, a very nicely built page)
Elspeth (maintained by Nanuck, a rather small page for now)
and the kingdom of humans (maintained by Allais. Here you can find lots of information about this newly built org and some info on the pyro guild).The best site I have found with information about many organizations put together is Demus' organization guide
For those that get lost easily, or those that make their first steps in these realms just now, Minas' ultimate map page is just what is needed. This site is frequently updated, contains every area on the realms, mapped in detail. Minas will add maps for every new area appearing on the realms in a matter of a few days.
Finally, there are some webpages that contain information about more than one guild of the realms. Those are maintained by Ashram and Entranced. They dont look complete yet, but it seems that they are growing to become sources of invaluable information about every guild soon. The Unofficial, unauthorized group of heroes, maintained by Fluke, is a similar kind of page.
If by any chance some of these links doesnt work, please tell me about it. If you have a webpage with a content converning a guild in the Realms of the Dragon, I would also like to hear of its URL. If you have any ideas, comments or suggestions on this page, I would appreciated it if you shared them with me.
In any case, mail me:)