The Paladin Warhorse
he Paladin's Warhorse is one of his strongest allies and friends. A faithful companion to every knight, it can become an invaluable asset in battle. When ordered to protect its rider, it will valiantly take all the melee blows, offering a slight advantage. This will save a paladin from most surprises against NPCs as well as from the powerful melee attacks of many fighter types. The horse will not protect against special attacks or spells targetted against its rider. Shielding the horse with the blessing of the Shield of Faith will make it even more durable in battle.
When you have reached level 30 in faith.spells.misc, you can summon a warhorse. You will find the initial warhorse to be used to make you more familiar with riding. As your skill in faith.spells.misc goes up, you will be able to summon more powerful warhorses. You must have a minimum level of 10 in other.riding in order to control your warhorse.
To summon a warhorse, you will have to use the summon warhorse spell.
Skill Used: Faith.Spells.Misc
Gp Cost: 300
Min Level to cast: 30
Usage: cast summon warhorse
Description :
This spell calls on Severan to grant you a warhorse to aid you in battle. The steed that is summoned depends upon your skill level. For the two strongest warhorses, it will cost you 15,000 xp to summon. If you do not have that xp, then it will summon a weaker one instead.
Depending on the level of your skill in Faith.Spells.Misc, you will be granted with several classes of steeds by your lord Severan. Your skill in Faith.Spells.Misc simply determines which class of warhorse you will be granted with as long as you have the necessary experience points. It does not affect the power of your warhorse beyond that. Therefore all horses of the same class are identical, no matter what the Faith.Spells.Misc skill of each paladin is.
aladin warhorses.
Faith.Spells.Misc at 30:
Jennet Riding Horse
available commands: dismiss
Faith.Spells.Misc at 70:
Courser Warhorse
available commands: dismiss, charge
Faith.Spells.Misc at 100:
Charger Warhorse
available commands: dismiss, charge, protect, unprotect, follow
Faith.Spells.Misc at 145:
Destrier Warhorse
available commands: dismiss, charge, protect, unprotect, follow
The warhorse commands
Charge is along with punish one of the main special attacks of the paladins. It is has a low gp cost (estimated at around 50 gps) since the power for the attack is drawn by your horse and not directly yourself. Charge is one of the fastest attacks in the game.
You can only charge when mounted so a good idea is to put the command mount horse before charge in your aliases. You will dismount from your horse when going through a door, so you will have to mount again on your steed to be able to charge.You can also charge at a target from an adjacent room. To do that, simply type charge 'direction' at 'target'. You must remember though that it is impossible to charge at someone through a door.After charging a monster, you will not be able to charge another one in the same room for a few rounds.
The main drawback for charge is that it can be used only once against a target. So, if you fail to kill a player, you will not be able to charge him again, losing the very important advantage of charge's fast attack and low gp cost.
Charge cannot use the weapons held by both hands. It will either use the weapon you wield in your left hand or a two-handed weapon if available. So it is strongy suggested you use a two-handed avenger when charging or holding your one-handed avenger in your left hand. The fact that it uses only one weapon doesn't let this special attack inflict more than 3 hits making it rather useless against enemies with layered defenses. It is however an invaluable attack for hit and run combat.
Charge is dependant of your riding skill, your skill in sharp attacks (fi.c.m.s) and your stats. Strength, wisdom and dexterity make your charge stronger in that order of importance. It seems that the white lance found in the paladin guild armory gives a bonus to your charge. A two-handed avenger though is still the weapon of choice for that special attack.
Other warhorse commands:
This allows you to set a name for your horse. You can give different names for each one of the different types of warhorses you can summon. However, you can only name each horse once, so make it count. If using ansi color, remember to put %^RESET%^ in the end
Syntax: warhorse name "name"
This command allows you to send your warhorse back to Severan when you are no longer in need of his services.
Syntax: warhorse dismiss
Issuing this command to your warhorse will cause him to protect you in combat. To order your horse to stop protecting you, use the command warhorse unprotect.
Syntax: warhorse protect
This command will cause your horse to follow you when you are not mounted. You can stop him from following you by using "lose", in the same manner as if he were a player.
Syntax: warhorse follow