Hi everybody!! Hope you like this little Guestbook o' mine. I'm insane, just so you all know this, and I hope you don't freak at the questions that I put in here ::grin:: they're really funny. Okies, well, don't want you to sit h re and read this rud. And watch, the very first comment will be from me! lolies. ha, lolies. groovey. ko, now you must SIGN ME GUESTBOOK! bye. ::the tv screen flips off::

Ron - 04/18/00 03:04:45
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/swaziland/1125
My Email:ronreece@mindspring.com
How'd ya find da site?: tripped over it while I was walking to the store
Your Personal Quote: Most people like the quote"if it feels good, do it" and I add "if ya like it, do it again"
What you think I should add to me site: a photo
Favorite Actor/ess & Movie/s: Rachael Williams
Favorite color/s & season: color????:
If the sky is blue and the grass is green, then WHAT IS THAT THING ON YOUR HEAD?!: eyeballs????
Couldn't figure out how I got here except that I tripped on something on the way to the store and when I woke up I was here. Is this the yellow brick road? Where's Dorothy and Toto? Haven't really visited the site yet seems kewl so far though. Ron

buttwheat - 09/19/99 02:11:28
My Email:buttwheatusa@netscape.net
How'd ya find da site?: with a little help from my friends
Your Personal Quote: is your homework done?
Favorite Actor/ess & Movie/s: robin b
interesting site - trying to e-mail you but still a newbie

Partisan - 04/17/99 10:23:35
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in/roachworld
My Email:partisan@zipworld.com.au
How'd ya find da site?: The Roach Ring
Your Personal Quote: Amerikans are WEIRD (but not as weird as Canadians)
What you think I should add to me site: It's not your fault - people keep moving! But fix the links!
Favorite Actor/ess & Movie/s: "The Seventh Seal" and "My Sweet Little Village" are cool if you are into foreign language flicks. Also try to find "Footrot Flats".
Favorite color/s & season: Red & summer
If the sky is blue and the grass is green, then WHAT IS THAT THING ON YOUR HEAD?!: What thing? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! GET IT OFF ME!!!!!
I don't have a guest book, and don't want one! But there is a guest book at http://listen.to/fishparty which I read. I have another site... it is http://www.angelfire.com/mo/vikki set up for someone's birthday, but.... well.... the birthday is over know!

Jake - 04/11/99 06:16:15
My Email:1mystyc
Hi, Rachel! Hope you doin' OK. Later...

JAKE - 03/28/99 07:08:36
My Email:1mystyc@usa,net
Boy! I've checked by here twice this week and all I hear are crickets. Hey, Rachelle, maybe it's my name Jake is'nt it? That is not particularly my real name. But anyhow I guess I can write on this for days because it will go virtually unnoticed by an one in the Western civilization... Are you there Rachelle? Allright I guess I won't bother you anymore... or take up this precious space and stuff.

Jake - 03/25/99 07:05:34
My Email:1mystyc@usa.net
How'd ya find da site?: trippin' n' slippin' all over the web
Your Personal Quote: The Truth Can Be Hidden, But The Truth In Itself Can Never Hide...Jake
What you think I should add to me site: More of that great Tori.
Favorite Actor/ess & Movie/s: PeterSellers, and Aphrodite from Xena
Favorite color/s & season: Deep Azure...
If the sky is blue and the grass is green, then WHAT IS THAT THING ON YOUR HEAD?!: I'm Daoist... I shave my head... Seriously!
Hi, Rachel, I don't know what it is about me... But all of the Rachels' I know, enevetably end up hating my gutzzz! I genuinely love Rachels'! What can I do? Jake

todd, toad, toadman7d - 03/18/99 02:01:28
My Email:toadman7d@hotmail.com
How'd ya find da site?: you
Your Personal Quote: hol Senorita
Favorite color/s & season: blue/spring
If the sky is blue and the grass is green, then WHAT IS THAT THING ON YOUR HEAD?!: nothing unless you mean in my head than it's an alien
you have to help me with my damn web site.

Toad - 03/15/99 01:11:30
My Email:toad138@juno.com, toadman7d@hotmail.com, toad138@geocities.com
How'd ya find da site?: you
Your Personal Quote: I CAN'T DRAW
What you think I should add to me site: steps to good drawing
Favorite Actor/ess & Movie/s: star wars, Armaggedon
Favorite color/s & season: blue, summer
If the sky is blue and the grass is green, then WHAT IS THAT THING ON YOUR HEAD?!: you crazy. you looking in to mirror.
why what is that green thing on your neck?

Scrub - 02/10/99 22:54:44
My Email:contiki@ameritech.com
How'd ya find da site?: Carissa's place
Your Personal Quote: May the FARCE be with you
Favorite Actor/ess & Movie/s: Star Wars
If the sky is blue and the grass is green, then WHAT IS THAT THING ON YOUR HEAD?!: Headphones...I'm listening to MYST the SOUNDTRACK
Great site, Rachel. I don't know what I was doing at Carissa's site. She sent me there!

Susie - 01/31/99 23:45:46
My Email:Talongor@aol.com
How'd ya find da site?: you
Your Personal Quote: Depression is something every person goes through during a time called Hell
What you think I should add to me site: it rules don't add a thing!!
Favorite Actor/ess & Movie/s: Will Smith&Bette Midler/Independence Day
Favorite color/s & season: black &purple/summer
If the sky is blue and the grass is green, then WHAT IS THAT THING ON YOUR HEAD?!: i have know clue
YOU RULE ROACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

carissa - 12/21/98 16:53:44
My URL:http://don't have one
My Email:Jadefore@webtv.net
How'd ya find da site?: guess?
Your Personal Quote: whatever
What you think I should add to me site: more music!!!!
Favorite Actor/ess & Movie/s: a human being
Favorite color/s & season: one that happens during the year
If the sky is blue and the grass is green, then WHAT IS THAT THING ON YOUR HEAD?!: I havent figured it out yet

Jadefire - 12/13/98 16:35:03
My Email:Jadefire@webtv.net
How'd ya find da site?: you gave me address
Your Personal Quote: No matter what happens, you always have to bounce back.
What you think I should add to me site: nothing, it's great
Favorite Actor/ess & Movie/s: Pet cemetary 1, 11,
Favorite color/s & season: purple, winter
If the sky is blue and the grass is green, then WHAT IS THAT THING ON YOUR HEAD?!: My face
Your website is great, M bother wants to know how or where you got the neat music for yur little world.

jon doe - 10/20/98 22:45:58
My Email:toad138@aol.com
How'd ya find da site?: you told me
Your Personal Quote: death is near
Favorite color/s & season: blue/winter
If the sky is blue and the grass is green, then WHAT IS THAT THING ON YOUR HEAD?!: you mean in your head
hia dude hehehehehe whats up

10/16/98 07:45:46
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing Thanks

Cindy - 09/23/98 23:00:26
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Wille - 09/14/98 23:15:06
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/WilleGuy/
My Email:shadowomega52@hotmail.com
How'd ya find da site?: Myself
Your Personal Quote: I dont know who you are, or where you came from, but i like you!
What you think I should add to me site: Rifts Stuff!
Favorite Actor/ess & Movie/s: Harrison Ford
Favorite color/s & season: Black and blue and summer
If the sky is blue and the grass is green, then WHAT IS THAT THING ON YOUR HEAD?!: My helmet mounted C-5500 Rail Gun...*POW!*
You have a lovely page and i like stuff, i also like your "poem"...

Rosemary - 08/30/98 19:44:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartlend/Acres/7046
My Email:roe28@aol.com
How'd ya find da site?: someone else's guestbook
Your Personal Quote: A house without a cat is NOT a Home
Favorite color/s & season: Green/ not big change in seasons in SW Florida!
If the sky is blue and the grass is green, then WHAT IS THAT THING ON YOUR HEAD?!: A CAT
interesting world you live in!

Matt - 07/19/98 16:27:14
My Email:Misleblade@aol.com
How'd ya find da site?: Neat
Your Personal Quote: Cool artwork
What you think I should add to me site: A better system than Photo Deluxe? LOL
Favorite Actor/ess & Movie/s: Roger Moore/The Man With The Golden Gun
Favorite color/s & season: Red/Spring
If the sky is blue and the grass is green, then WHAT IS THAT THING ON YOUR HEAD?!: Come again?
You had nice artwork on the page, but one thing.. WHAT ON EARTH DOES THAT POEM MEAN????? sky is blue grass is green, ect.... Well, over all this is a neat site. I decided to sign the guestbook , just to let you know I visited (You seemed pretty desperate for someone to sign! LOL). Talk to you later! See ya Rachel (or should I say Fang? LOL)

Garion - 07/09/98 17:45:25
My Email:PolGarion4@aol.com
How'd ya find da site?: GEE YOU GAVE IT TO ME!
Your Personal Quote: "Never underestimate one so powerful"
What you think I should add to me site: LEAVE IT
Favorite Actor/ess & Movie/s: Harrison Ford!Bruce Willis,Deep Impact, Armigeddon,all indiana Jone, all star warz
Favorite color/s & season: red,black,purble,blue, Winter
If the sky is blue and the grass is green, then WHAT IS THAT THING ON YOUR HEAD?!: MY HAIR SO NEA NEA NEA
Thats cool roach!

whatever you wanna call me; that's my name - 06/17/98 02:10:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/flats/1760
My Email:aurektrill@aol.com
How'd ya find da site?: you told me; telepathy
Your Personal Quote: "Blood feeds blood. Blood calls blood. Blood is, and blood was, and blood shall ever be."
What you think I should add to me site: anything that doesn't have to do with me
Favorite Actor/ess & Movie/s: Harry, Leo/ Titanic
Favorite color/s & season: PURPLE and black/ winter
If the sky is blue and the grass is green, then WHAT IS THAT THING ON YOUR HEAD?!: my bright pink hair :-(
i like the toblians, Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tob as,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias, obias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobi s,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,Tobias,. um...... ::starts to meditate:: Ian (toblian) helped me rediscover my inner self.

Appendix - 06/08/98 15:54:38
My URL:http://blahblahblah
My Email:YouWish!@aol.com
How'd ya find da site?: I'm sitting in your computer room.
Your Personal Quote: LEAVE ME ALONE!
What you think I should add to me site: dunno....
Favorite Actor/ess & Movie/s: Gillian Anderson & David Duchovny & The X-files
Favorite color/s & season: Blue & fall
If the sky is blue and the grass is green, then WHAT IS THAT THING ON YOUR HEAD?!: I don't know....
You ask too many questions.

Brad aka Grizz - 06/03/98 21:26:45
My URL:http://www.buckeyeweb.com/braden/
My Email:braden@buckeyeweb.com
How'd ya find da site?: you told me.
Your Personal Quote: PREPARE TO DIE, WENIES!
What you think I should add to me site: a search engine if you don't mind and maby a link to each other's page
Favorite Actor/ess & Movie/s: (none),Lost in Space
Favorite color/s & season: blue,summer RULES!
If the sky is blue and the grass is green, then WHAT IS THAT THING ON YOUR HEAD?!: a hat of course!
sorry it took me three times to be careful of the enter button. nice page, mine doesn't even compare all I have is a search engine, a few links, and a picture. Oh ya I recently found one of those Toblians in the forest comparing it to the pictures it l oks like it's late teen to early adult so as soon as the scanner is hooked up again i'll send him to you.

Brad aka Grizz - 06/03/98 21:24:56
Your Personal Quote: PREPARE TO DIE, WENIES!
What you think I should add to me site: a search engine if you don't mind and maby a link to each other's page
Favorite Actor/ess & Movie/s: (none),Lost in Space
Favorite color/s & season: blue,summer RULES!
If the sky is blue and the grass is green, then WHAT IS THAT THING ON YOUR HEAD?!: a hat of course!
sorry it took me three times to be careful of the enter button. nice page, mine doesn't even compare all I have is a search engine, a few links, and a picture. Oh ya I recently found one of those Toblians in the forest comparing it to the pictures it l oks like it's late teen to early adult so as soon as the scanner is hooked up again i'll send him to you.

Brad aka Grizz - 06/03/98 21:12:41
Your Personal Quote: PREPARE TO DIE, WENIES!
What you think I should add to me site: a search engine if you don't mind

Brad - 06/03/98 20:42:06
My URL:http://www.buckeyeweb.com/braden/
My Email:braden@buckeyeweb.com
How'd ya find da site?: you gave me the address... don't you remember?

bob. - 05/27/98 22:18:06
My URL:noooooo!
My Email:umm, no mail. me no like mail.
How'd ya find da site?: uhhhh... my nose?
Your Personal Quote: rock is good.
What you think I should add to me site: noses.
Favorite Actor/ess & Movie/s: rock boy & the flintstones
Favorite color/s & season: white. winter, what else?
If the sky is blue and the grass is green, then WHAT IS THAT THING ON YOUR HEAD?!: AHHH! IT'S A VAMPIRE BAT!
haha, I'm funny, that was me seeing if this thingy actually works. aren't I funny? BTW that was from a cave man's POV, as if you couldn't tell.

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