Links - beware!

Cartoons and Cool & Weird Stuff


Temptation - A Crowley shrine. (From the most excellent GNeil and PTerry book Good Omens.)

Jareth's Realm - My favorite Labyrinth site.

Cat-Tales - Catwoman fanfiction by Chris Dee that has spawned a veritable universe of its own.

Egyptian Hieroglyphs - Or, how I learned to read Ancient Egyptian. No, really. MAat.

The Jonathan Rhys Meyers Fansite - Because there are far too few pretty boys in the world that can act that well.

Beetlejuice's Fan Site - Contains much fanart, fanfic, character guide, and other goodies based on the cartoon. The home of Old Ping Hai's basement. Step inside for KFTLC fic, silliness, and randomness of every kind.

MJ Mink & Friends Fan Fiction Page I know it's on the Star Wars page too. But they've got oodles of wonderful Fufic, focusing on Peter and Pop.

The Puck Archives Run by my buddy Nabiki GMYW, this is the place to get Puck fics.

The Zebeckras Zone DW stuff! Frequentlly updated DW stuff! Fiction! Art! Anime!

Merlin's International House of Nuts Merlin Missy's homepage.

Justin's RENT page Coooooooool. Art. Other stuff. Ooo.

The Gargoyles Fan Website Everything. TGS is here. So is everything else that exists.

Station 8 - Gargoyles Big. Nifty. Ask Greg. What more could you want?

The Webpage for the Recently Deceased!

PythOnline More official than the one below, sometimes you hear from the boys.

Monty Python's Completely Useless Web Site Pictures, scripts, videos, sounds, whatever.

FanFiction.Net Regardless of my grudge, there are some very good fics here. You just have to slog through masses of poorly-written, OOC, copycatted, horrible Mary Sue fics.

Entrance to the Neitherworld The first extensive page on Beetlejuice (the cartoon series) of which I am a fan.

Out of Smoke A page with decent content, although it hasn't been updated in a VERY long time.

Cartoon - For schedules.

Adult Swim - Anime and Space Ghost. Life is good.

The Negapage Really good DW stuff, as well as many other fanthings for a variety of fandoms.

DAFT Hatchlings The Disney Afternoon Filing Time. All work contributed by members. Mailouts from the last 4 weeks.

DAFT Archive The DAFT archive. Big.

The Center for Volatile Creative Types Slight fixation on Aladdin and Darkwing Duck. Really good links to really good Disney fan pages.