Well, this is my Dad, Gordon Mace, as of, errr....1997 I think. He's gone greyer and he sometimes wears better things than this excuse for a shirt, but not always.
The unfortunate thing for Dad is that my conception wasn't planned. It is probably reasonable to assume Dad wanted a son [to carry on the Mace line] once he knew of the pregnancy. Well, he got a son. Unfortunately, he wanted a son conforming to societal norm. Manly. Strong. Not emotive. Intelligent. Mature. Tall. Well...I am none of those and the strength, stoicism, intelligence and maturity instead emerged in 1983 in Sarah's persona. That's why I hate myself. Dad's the guy I would LIKE to be like when/if I have a job, family, car, the usual stuff.
He's my idol, the second of the two that are currently born (the other being Neil A. Armstrong. Of course, you MIGHT be currently reading this sometime between 2031 and April in 2233).
Dad was born February 11, 1950(ollllllld, *LOL*-an' yes, he enjoyed his 50th birthday)., and is the nicest guy anyone could ever find. He's often one of my bestest friends -alongside Karen Ita Michelle Oughton and Ian Robert Banks- and I think no-one and nothing in the entirety of existence is more important. He loves playing badminton and going on the computer. During the 1960's-1980's, Dad won many many trophies for football and snooker. He adores sport.
He has idols of Charles Bronson (do I hear people whisper, "Who?"), Clint Eastwood(yup, that other old guy) and the everlasting god John Lennon(cruelly murdered in cold blood in December 1980).
He fancies Deanna Troi of the Enterprise-E, as well as 'Ground Force's' Charlie Dimmock. He hates maltesers, salt 'n' vinegar crisps, prawns and, sometimes, pepper. The one thing he cannot cook [or whatever] correctly is meringues.

Common father-son banter between us includes the 'fact' that I'm a one-braincelled shortass with only two moving speeds, namely slow and stop. Dad, on the other hand, looks and sounds completely wrong when saying, "Cool, man", and is also not ashamed to wear platforms, flares, yellow socks, strap-on brown 'Jesus' sandals, cardigans or tanktops.
Favourite animal: Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphus)
Favourite song: The Pinkerton's Assorted Colours' 'Mirror, Mirror' [don't worry, it's from 1966]
Favourite food: Probably unknown. Dad eats virtually anything.