(D of T)=(D of E)+1

What does this mean? Well, it is an equation. It's literal meaning is:

The Dimention of Time = the Dimention of Existance + 1

Now, for those of you who don't follow, let me explain. This is my hypothesis. I won't go so far as to call it a theory because it has no backing in the scientific comunity. That is because I am just introducing it. What follows is an explanation of my hypothesis and its implications. Please note that this hypothesis has been developed from what I know and have speculated and that even though I have not sited anything in here, it is because I am simply writing from my memory and I expect anything that I specificaly designate as Intulectual Property is a result of my conclutions and that I expect to be credited for it.

More to follow...

The equation, (D of T)=(D of E)+1, and it's word form are Intelectual Property of Ben Stanton.