Commodore's Corner

Greetings! I am Commodore Christina Boehm, commanding officer of the USS Yorktown NCC-1704A, the Cincinnati chapter of Starfleet Command, an international Star Trek fan organization. My ship has been fully active since 1984, and I have been her C.O. since February of 1992. My crew compliment is 39 at this time. If you enjoy being busy, then Yorktown is the place to be. Out of 20 events, including parties, scheduled for 1998, we will have completed 15 by year's end. Out of 15 charity projects/community service, we will have fulfilled 13 of them by the end of this year. Those that we couldn't do because of time constraints, were tabled for 1999. So, we are not even into the new year and already we are starting to load the calendar! This is great, as it gives every one a chance to do something. I would like to mention here, that if anyone is planning to attend the Slanted Fedora convention in Indianapolis, Thanksgiving weekend, Yorktown will be doing a charity auction at 7:00 p.m. on Friday night (the 27th.) in the main room. All proceeds will be donated in memory of Gene Roddenberry to the Starlight Children's Foundation. So, please attend the auction and bid generously. The auction was mentioned as a "special auction" in their flier, but not mentioned with a time slot on their schedule sent out with ticket confirmation. Well, this just about wraps it up for now. I will add on or revise this from time to time. So, keep an eye out and check in once in a while. Thanks... Comm. Chris

Comm. Christina Boehm


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