The way I figure it's one of four possible answers...
My name is Andrew Haswell. I'm 21 years old and I live in Sunderland, England with my girlfriend Marie and my cat Lestat de Lioncourt. I like to mess around with computers (no, really?) and read comics. I have an extensive video collection, but I hardly ever watch them. They just look good on the shelves. I've finished Tomb Raider and am eagerly awaiting the next one. I am an Officer 3rd Class in the Rebel Allience! I work as a Desk Top Publisher in a printers and I owe lots of money to lots of people.
At the moment, we're trying to move house. Hopefully to somewhere where you don't have to check every five minutes to make sure your car's still there. I play bass guitar and used to be in a band until we got sick and split. My favourite band of all time is Nirvana, but I like most rock and indie stuff. My friends call me Andrew, people who don't know me very well call me Andy. That irritates me, but it's handy to sign my name as Andy if I'm rushed, so I can't complain.
My girlfriend Marie is studying Geology at University. Personally, I have all the qualifications of a chimp, but I'm working to change that. My dream for the future is that Marie will become a world famous Geologist, we'll become very rich and all I'll have to do all day is play Carmageddon. Otherwise, just winning the lottery would be nice, thanks!
My favourite colour is black. My favourite food is mashed potato. My best friend is probably Trev. My favourite character from Rainbow is Zippy. WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?!
I'm hungry now so just go and play with the rest of the site.
P.S. Thanks for reading, I luv ya really :)