Here's a list of the robot parts needed to build your own 1:1 scale model of Crow, Tom, or Gypsy. I have most of the parts, but I'll trade for extra parts. I'll take replica copies of the parts if they are high quality.
Crow T. Robot
- Eyes: glow-in-the dark Ping-Pong balls
- Pupils: are square bits of electrical tape
- Head: soapdish -- now out of production. Hard as hell to find. The last one I saw went for $90. I'd really like a replica of this.
- Top of Head: a hockey mask (Cooper XL7FG). Also discontinued. Don't have this piece, never bothered to look for it though, so I'm not sure if its difficult to find or not. If you have any info email me.
- Mouth: A plastic bowling pin cut in half. Two different kinds of pins are used. The old version with an "e" at the bottom of the pin and and another kind with a crown on the end. The crown version can be found just about anywhere.
- Arms: Adjustable desk lamp parts, with closed-cell foam tubing. New the lamps are about $20 each, but I got lucky. A friend of my mom's didn't want her's anymore and gave them to me.
- Hands: Toy claws. Don't have this item, probably easily locatable.
- Neck: PVC and flexible rubber tubing. 'Nuf said.
- Torso: A Tupperware "Floralier" flower-arranging set, plus part of another set. This set is no longer made. The set consists of a tall conical vase that snaps into a short conical vase that then snaps onto a tray. Two trays, placed face-to-face, make his shoulders. The vases are below, turned upside down. A short section of drainage hose (the same type used for Gypsy, see below) separates the two trays. Probably the easiest of the tough pieces to find. Go to eBay and search for Floralier. They usually have 1 or 2 sets available, but sell at prices of up to $50 a set, w/o the extra tray.
- Legs: More lamp parts, like his arms.
Tom Servo
- Head: A gumball machine from Mr. Bulky's and The Sweet Factory. I bought two of these at the Sweet Factory for $7 a piece. I haven't started building Servo yet so they are jsut sitting on my desk waitng for their body. The only thing I will not trade for!
- Torso: Chest is a Money Lover's Barrel Bank. Impossible to find. I'm still looking for a good replica. An engine block also goes on his chest. Haven't found this piece either, a good replica though which I think will do.
- Shoulders: Eveready flashlight heads. The rest of the flashlight is used for Gypsy. (See below). Discontinued (Do you see a trend?). Can find them at hardware stores. I bought a set of vacuformed shoulders for $8, probably cheaper then the flashlight.
- Arms: The MST3K Info Club says its from a C. More Bunz doll, but this doesn't work. PVC is a better choice. The springs are custom made industrial springs.
- Hands: Doll hands. Another rare set of items that are now made from a mold. Got a replica pair of these too.
- Hoverskirt: A Halloween BOO BOWL. I have a 5 quart bowl(4.5 inches across the bottom and 11 inches in diameter) to use instead of the other bowl. The decorations around him are vacuformed Turbo Trains. I bought vacuformed copies of these also.
No description given, 'cause its not needed. Very simple 'bot.
- Eye: Eveready flashlight, minus the hood. See Tom Servo listing above.
- Head: "Century Infant Love Seat" from Century Products, Inc. No longer made. The top of the head is the outside of the seat turned upside down. The lower part is made from the inner liner of the seat and is connected to the top by a PVC tube.
- Neck: Black hose "drain tile."
- Lips: Light-blue foam tubing.