~*Honor those the dragon Heed
In thought and Favor
Word and Deed.
Worlds are lost or worlds are saved
From those dangers dragon braved.*~
Dangerous Skies
A thread fighting game
This many travilers have visited
Welcome to Naronis Weyr. This will be, hopefuly, One of the most collected and fan archives on the net. So whats new? Well EVERYTHING!! Sorry bout only a few things or no things working cause im still building.:p
What this site is, is a series of informational recorces, links, and fan stuff, and Adoption centers. I will gladly welcome any html experts and graphic buffs to the staff cause I aint good at either ^.^
Well As you may notice this page is rather simple looking...well I did that for a reason. I wanted this to remain more like a weyr should and not so flashy. A lot of pern is polotics and buisness..Anyway remember this is an Informational sight :p
Ill Post Info On New stuff Here and New Dragon clutches so umm I guess all I have to say now
coming soon
sence 1-26-99