Order in which they hatched:
Keren - Brown Mnempoth
Mira - Green Bareth
Velat - Blue Rosoth
Draven - Bronze Diath
Sarafina - Green Woeth
Kesria - Green Inth
Vincent (male) - Green Qualnith
Seria - Green Mayeth
Bronin - Brown Pepsimenth
Authen - Bronze Arinth
Zakaros - Blue Neodamonth
Cyprese - Green Devith
Byler - Blue Shoth
Avernai - Blue Sentith
Jaysen - Brown Wayvith
Lena - Green Digith
Nathaniel - Bronze Joshuath
Ixtma - Green Basseth
Baran - Brown Jelth
Sana - Green Soneth
Kariana Gold Lazibeth
Hatching post:
As night slowly drifted in, and pulled away the rays of the sun that warmed the sand and the eggs on the hatching grounds. Everyone drifted into sleep, thinking that if the eggs werent going to hatch that day it would be soon. Very soon, maybe even take place the next day. As the blue sky slowly faded into midnight blue and even the latest stragglers and drunks were finding their way to their homes or a place to pass out for the night. Something unexpected happened, a lone bugle in the silence of the night broke the sleep of one dragon, the sleeping queen, her body curled protectively around the golden globe that contains her only golden daughter. As soon as the sound was caught by her ears, her head flew up, and instantly she felt it, she felt all of them crawling about in their eggs, mentally, not physically; they hadnt hatched yet. With a deep breath, the great queen filled the air with her loud and powerful bugle, waking her mate bronze mate, Feralth, who rested not far from the grounds.
With a groggily yawn the large bronze lifted his head, peering out into the night, feeling his mates urgency, but not taking it to heed.
Theyre hatching! And all you are doing is lying there! GET UP YOU LAZY WHERRY!!! Azerith all but yelled into the bronzes mind.
With a swift movement the bronzes head jumps up, his body slowly raising off the ground as he pads to the end of his weyr. Come on Jshua... hatching... He tells his rider lazily, it as if he doesnt really care he is about to be a father.
Jshuas once sleeping form suddenly jumps into movement. He sits up, looking wide-eyed at his weyrmate and her peacefully sleeping form on the place next to him. "Alemni..." he says softly, a little rushed for breath. "The hatching is going to start any moment! Wake up love..." He brushes back a few strand of her hair from her face, placing a light kiss on her lips, bringing her sleep deprived body awake.
"Hmmm?" She inquires as she looks up at Jshua tiredly, the words not sinking into her mind yet. Slowly she repeats what he had just said, "HATCHING?!" She screeches, jumping up, quickly pulling on her trousers and her favorite black shirt. "Why are you just standing there!! The hatching is starting and we cant be late, we have to wake the candidates!! NOW!!!"
Jshua blinks a few times as he stares at her, realizing that he has to be
there to he gets up. Quickly he pulls on his pants and a tunic, slipping on his boots he
runs up to Alemni, kissing her deeply for a few moments before picking her up and running
out of their weyr.
Jshuas noticeably tired form with Alemni bouncing about in his arms suddenly
appears from the weyrs entrance. Within seconds hes at his dragons side,
helping his weyrmate up the big bronze. He vaults upon his dragons back, patting him
a bit, trying to get him awake and moving. Come on Feralth!! Hurry up! We cant
miss the hatching!
With the grating from his rider, the dragon pushes himself off the weyrs ledge, drifting onto the hatching ground and letting his rider and his mate get off of him. Quickly he jumps back into the air and settles onto the ledge of the hatching ground. Letting a great yawn escape his muzzle before drifting into a light sleep before he can get no sleep due to the noise.
**Candidate Cavern**
A man suddenly rushed into the candidates quarters, yelling, "THE EGGS ARE HATCHING" loudly enough for everyone to hear him. As soon as the words hit the candidates ears, most of them were up and already pulling on their white robes.
Keren smiles as he hops out of his bed, a slightly sad memory enters his mind as he listens to the other candidates chatter as they dress in their robes. "My mom is going to be so happy if I impress! I cant wait! Shes going to be cheering me on the whole time!" He frowns at hearing this, he has not mother to cheer him on, only his foster parents, that wont be there. With a heavy sigh he stands, pulls on his robe and walks out, the thought and imagined mental picture of his parents flickering in the back of his mind.
With a sluggish yawn Mira rolled out of bed, she blinked a few times before quickly slipping into her robe. Her eyes darted down, looking at the few potted flowers she had brought with her. She couldnt live without them, they were some of her prized flowers too. She smiles to herself and bends down, pushing some of the out of place dirt back down, "Maybe you little guys will bring me luck!" She says happily, pulling her arms to her chest, her eyes twinkling at the thought of her being a dragonrider. Quickly she scuffles out of her room, joining the other candidates just outside the door.
A soft moan escaped the mouth of Velat, rubbing his eyes he looked up, blinking his eyes a bit. It was the middle of the night, and the hatching was happening now?! Oh dear, this is not good. Quickly he stumbled out of his bed, tripping a bit on the wher-watch on his floor. Quickly he slips the white robe on and quickly joins with the other candidates.
Dravens eyes shoot open the second the man runs through the quarters. "The hatching is happening, wait a second! Its the middle of the night!" One of the boys next to him said, and he rolls his eyes. "Yeah so?" He brushes back his hair and looks up at the boy, slightly annoyed at the way he is acting. Quickly and quietly he dresses in his robe, the other boy not saying another word after he was sort of rude to him. With a shrug, he slowly walked out of his room, staying towards the back of the group of loud and annoying candidates.
With a push from the bed, Sarafina suddenly finds herself on the floor. "OUCH!" She screams, looking up, seeing another candidates form looming over her. "What in the HECK was that for?!" She asks, getting up and unwrapping the sheet that was curled up around her. The other candidate shrugs and walks away, muttering the word hatching under her breath. "OH!" She smiles and suddenly jumps up, pulling on her white robe and running out the door hurriedly.
Kesria slowly pushes back her light brown hair, blinking her sleepy hazel eyes. Ug, hatching? Right now? Gee, talk about the eggs having minds of their own! She smiles a bit and moves off of her bed, searching through her drawers and finally finds the white robe. Gently she pulls it out, shaking it a bit and she slips into it quietly. Maybe all those people wishing me luck will pay off, she muses to herself with a smile.
A pair of hands deftly wipe away the sleepiness from his eyes. He blinks a few times, wondering why hes here again. He sighs softly, wondering, no not wondering, knowing he wont impress. "Such a waste of time..." He mutters under his breath, slowly pulling on his robe. Slowly Vincent shuffled out of his room, walking out to the rest of them, sighing sadly.
Quietly she awakes, looking about the room with unadjusted eyes. She blinks a few times, trying to focus them, trying to figure out where she is residing. "The eggs are hatching! EVERYONE UP!" With a sudden burst of energy Seria is up and at her dresser drawer, quickly pulling out her white robe, tossing clothing in every which way as she searches for it. "Ah ha! There it is!" Her face receives a happy smile. Within a few moments she has the robe on, quickly she smoothes it over with her hands and walks out the door. Her hands at her side, her fingers crossed for luck. Would this be the day she impresses? Time will only tell.
Bronin woke abruptly, the hum was growing louder and that could only mean that the eggs were ready to Hatch. Crawling out of bed, he dressed in the white robe, traditionally worn by Candidates at a hatching. Scrambling out of his room, he headed for the Hatching Grounds to wait with the other Candidates on the scorching Sands to see if he was worthy of a dragon.
Authen stirred, someone was shaking him urgently. "Hurry, the eggs are Hatching, you have to wake up now," they told him and then moved on to the next Candidate. "The eggs!" Authen gasped, a dragon might choose him on the Sands, but if he didn't hurry they might already Hatch without him. Taking off his pajamas, he hurriedly dressed in the white robe given to all the Candidates and slipped out the door, walking quickly toward the Hatching Grounds.
"Zak! Zak! Get up!" Zakaros rolled slightly in his bed, and grunted. "Zak! Hurry! The eggs are hatching!"
Now, he was wide-awake. He tossed back his dark hair, and put on his robe. He tried not to be nervous, but he couldn't help it! He was going to the hatching. He ran down the hall, towards the sands. He wondered if his mother would be there, if she even knew where he was. There was no time to think about that now. He ran down to the sands, and waited with the others. The moment of truth awaited.
Cyprese blinked back sleep. The eggs were hatching! She thought, and was out of bed in a flash. Her green eyes were bright and anticipating a Hatching. She wanted to Impress, what person would not. And this dragon would be her friend, her friend for life, one who would never judge her or criticize her like that sharding Headwoman Thaelia. No, she would never be lonely again as long as she had a dragon to ride and love. Dressing quickly in her Candidate's robe of white, she strode forth, ready to face what lay ahead on the Hatching Sands.
Byler jumped out of bed eagerly, the time of the night did not matter because the eggs were hatching. Soon he would impress a dragon. Would it be a big handsome bronze, or a brown like his great great grandsire's, or a blue--the color of the Weyr Lake, a handsome sapphire blue? Well he'd find out, and soon he thought as he dressed in his white robe. There was something almost magical about that white robe, he mused as he followed the other Candidates toward the Sands, as if wearing the white robe transformed you from regular every-day person to a person worthy of a dragon's trust and love. His hands felt sweaty with anticipation and he brushed them across his robe, and looked ahead to the Hatching Sands and what destiny lay before him.
Avernai fell out of bed at the summons of the dragons. He could hear the humming growing louder and louder, that could only mean one thing--the eggs were Hatching! The Candidate grabbed for his robe, lying across the floor of the bed. He had to hurry..... the robe slipped of his fingers in his haste to put it on and fell to the floor. Avernai groaned and bent over to pick it up. This time, he managed to slip it over his head. Would a dragon choose such a clumsy person as me? he wondered. Dragonriding was in his blood, his parents rode a green and a blue respectively. Hadn't he heard that having dragonrider parents was good for male Candidates? That being Weyrbred was good because the dragon knew you had the skills to care for a dragon. Well he'd just have to find out. Avernai jogged out to the group of Candidates assembling on the Hatching Sands, managing not to trip over anyone or anything on the way.
Jaysen tumbled out of bed, scrambling to pull on his white robe. Brushing his long black locks over his shoulder, the Candidate jumped to his feet. This was the moment that he'd been waiting for ever since he'd applied as a Candidate for Impression. This is it, he thought, this is the moment when I'll Impress a dragon or not. There's no telling what will happen out there on the Sands, he might impress any kind of dragon. Except for gold, he reminded himself with a grin. It's bronze, brown, blue or green for me. I have a better chance of Impressing than the girls. He glanced over at the girls who were leaving their rooms and joining the huddle of Candidates. They only have two choices, gold or green. If they don't impress either color then they won't impress this time around. Jaysen absently brushed his hair back over his shoulder again and made his way toward the Hatching Grounds.
Lena woke slowly, allowing herself to adjust to the early rising. She'd never been up this early in her life. But she could hear the hums of the dragons, which heralded the arrival of the new dragonets. Oh, how she wanted to impress, what an interesting note she could write in her journal. After all, it wasn't everyday that one could be lucky enough to Impress. She dressed in her robe, seeing in her mind the young dragons as they crawled from their eggs and sought about for their riders. She smiled softly and waited with the other girls, her smile bright and full of hope.
"Nathan..." The words drifted into the sleeping boys ears, "NATHANIEL!" He jumped, his wide sapphire eyes suddenly locking upon his mother. "Huh? Whats going on? Its the middle of the night mom-" He rubs his eyes, slowly letting himself be dragged from his comfy and warm bed. "The hatching!! Its starting!! Hurry up Nathaniel!" She grates him on, grabbing the robe out of his dresser before shoving it into his arms. "Get dressed! Hurry, dragon hatchings wait for no man, or woman!" Quickly the boy dressed, pulling off his clothing and slipping into the white robe. He is rushed out the door and all but shoved upon his fathers blue dragon. "Youre riding Mivith mom?" He inquires as he pats the old blue dragon softly. "Good boy! Lets go, I dont wanna be late." With a strong push from the blues legs they flew into the air, a few seconds later the dragon let him off and flew back into the air, his mother still aboard. "Bye mother! Wish me luck!" He says, throwing back his brown red hair with a quick movement of his hand.
Ixtma was dreaming of her wher and her firelizard. If she impressed a dragon, then she'd have a wher, a flitter and a dragon. She smiled in her sleep, then frowned slightly. Where was that sharding noise coming from, it seemed as if the entire Weyr was thrumming--humming? "The Hatching!" she bolted out of bed. "I'm gonna miss the Hatching!" she scrambled across the foot of the bed to the clothes chest at the end and pulled out her robe. She slipped it on over her head and stopped for a second to admire the smooth white fabric, how different she looked. She could hear the eager voices of the other Candidates so she hurried out to join them.
Baran grumbled and rolled over in his furs as a pair of hands rudely shook him out of his slumber. He didn't care what time it was, nothing was too important to wake up. After the third violent shake a voice interrupted his dream, "Get up you lazy dimglow! Can't you hear? Azerith's eggs are HATCHING!" With the final word Baran sat upright trying to make his sleepy mind focus. He groaned as he clutched his throbbing head, why did they pick this hour of the night to hatch? Hatchings are supposed to be beautiful and perfect!" Baran groaned again and fumbled for his white tunic and sandals. Slipping them awkwardly onto his chilled feet the thought of the warm sands was very inviting. "C'mon Baran, NOW!" Said a voice and he groggily stumbled out the door after the rest of the male candidates.
Sana was jolted awake by the frantic creeling of her brown Firelizard. She sleepily rubbed her eyes and yawned, trying to focus on the wild images Gradle was painting in her mind. Suddenly it all became clear as her ears picked up the distinct sound of the humming Dragons. "Hatching??! NOW?" She said leaping from her sleeping furs. She quickly donned her white tunic and sandals and fumbled awkwardly to tie her hair in a rude knot. "Gradle lets go!" She about screamed to her equally alarmed flit who was beginning to hum in anticipation of the hatching. Gradle took wing and followed Sana out the door of her sleeping cubicle to follow the other girls out to the Sands.
Kariana woke suddenly, feeling someone shaking her awake and yelling at her. As if to compound the problem, Glitterstim her firelizard was screeching at the person, the little green's loud cries almost drowning out what the girl heard. "Hurry, get up, the eggs are Hatching. Get your robe on." The person told her and moved down the line to the next Candidate. Kariana slipped out of bed, standing a bit awkwardly as she wiggled into her white robe and picked up her cane. Glitterstim landed on her shoulder and chirped, rubbing her head along Kariana's cheek. "You'll have to stay here, Glit, stay here until I come back from the Hatching Sands, with a dragonet or not." the girl whispered to the green flitter. Placing the flitter on the pillow, she stood up and began to walk slowly down the hallway after the other Candidates, leaning on her cane to support her bad leg.
As all the candidates are herded onto the hatching grounds like a bunch of herdbeasts, Keren sighs softly as his mind keeps wandering back to his parents and his thought of what they look like. With another light sigh he brushes back a few strands of his red hair, peering at all the eggs with wide green-gray eyes. Wow! Look at all those eggs! I cant believe how many are out there! He blinks some more as he thinks quietly to himself. Suddenly the first egg shatters, making the ground fall to a hush as the squint their eyes to see the young dragon. Its a brown! Kerens heart skips a beat, Hes so beautiful! He smiles at the young brown, slowly inching towards him. "Comeere little one... come to me..." He whispers under his breath. The brown dragon flicks his head in the direction of the boy, a dragonic smile covers his face as he wobbles unstably towards the boy. Just as he nears Keren, he stumbles, falling into his arms. Uff! My name is Mnempoth! The little brown says, looking lovingly up at Keren.
In all the confusion, Mira stays utterly still, disbelieve overcoming her form. She cant believe shes here, right now, watching a hatching! No not watching, being part of one! She smiles, thinking of her flower back home, hoping they give her some luck this night. She looks across the illuminating sands, the light of glows reflecting off the tiny grains of sand. Suddenly an egg shatters, sending bits of shell everywhere. She smiles as a brown topples out of its little remaining shell. How wonderful! A brown is the first to hatch! That is good, maybe not as good as a bronze, but good nevertheless! She thinks to herself as she holds her breath. A few moments later another egg not to far from her bursts open, a shimmering little green dragon chirps as she rolls onto the sand. Mira smiles, watching the green with want in her eyes. Is this the one for me? She asks herself. I am the one for you! I am Bareth! The little green says as it runs over to her, toppling over on its oversized wings.
A quick smile covers Velats face as he watches the two impressions take place before his face. A tinge of jealously wells up inside of him, just for a few moments, and he preys this hatching isnt like the first one he was in. He will be heartbroken if he doesnt impress this time, it might be more then he can bear. Walking away from a hatching empty handed is in a way a disgrace to him and his family. And he so didnt want it to happen again! Quickly he wipes away the sweat-drenched hair that glued itself it his slick forehead. "Dont be nervous" He says to himself quietly, too quiet for anyone else to hear, "Everything will be okay..." He assures himself, nodding a bit, trying to make himself believe his timid words. As he stares at the multitude of eggs, a small blue dragon suddenly pops out of its shell, crooning piteously, calling for help. Velat didnt waste any time, quickly he sprinted to the dragonets side, taking it in his arms and hugging it to him softly, "Its okay... Im here...Ill help you now..." The young blue looks up at him, blinking his whirling blue eyes. I am Rosoth and I love you!
The looming form of Draven slowly slinks forward in the crowd of candidates. He smiles a bit at the sight of the impressions, a green, blue, and brown, those are all nice. Maybe he will be lucky enough to impress a brown, or maybe even a bronze! He smirks a bit, smoothing out the robe that doesnt fit him too well. Suddenly his mouth goes wide and his eyebrows furrow. On the front of his rob a bit spot of klah is painfully apparent. "Oh no! A SPOT!" He all but growls at the sight, "I cant believe this! I thought I washed this just the other day! Making sure it had not one single spot-" He stops suddenly thinking of a bronze flitter that always is bugging him or annoying him. "That little bronze wherry is GOING TO PAY for this!!" A voice enters his mind. A bronze wherry? Ive never seen that before! The voice chuckles softly. Draven blinks and looks down, a little bronze dragon is looking at him through loving green eyes. He blinks more, "I impressed?" He inquires. The little bronze nods, Yup! I am Diath!
A girl, feeling all alone on the ground of the hatching, surrounded by so many candidates but feeling oh so alone. "I want a dragon..." She mumbles to herself, her eyes wandering the landscape of sand and people. She kicks at the sand, sending it flying into the air. She sneezes, wiping her nose gently. Sarafina blinks as something suddenly pads up to her, sitting at her feet. Hello there Sarafina... I am Woeth.... The green dragon says happily, nuzzling her leg with its soft muzzle.
As she stands on the sand she smirks, shes really here, really in front of a whole clutch of dragon eggs! She smiles, and giggles giddily, this may be the day that she impresses! This is the happiest moment of my life! She smiles more, pulling back her light brown hair. She doesnt want to be a mess if a dragon chooses her, who would want to impress with a sloppy rider! She smiles, watching a small egg thats before her. Maybe that one will be mine. Or that one, her head locks onto the smaller one next to it. Suddenly both the eggs burst open, spilling out two little greens. One wobbled over to her sprawling out before her, laying on its back, belly faced up. "Ahhh! Arent you just the cutest little thing!" Kesria says while reaching down and tickling the little greens belly. It giggles softly, hehe! Stop that! Im Inth!
A frown covers the young mans face. "Im never going to impress..." he sighs a bit, looking out at all the eggs. He frowns, keeping his eyes on two eggs in front of him and another candidate. Shell impress but I wont... I know it... his mind says. He looks at her, at how excited she is, and he realizes that he really should be happy. Even if he doesnt impress, he will still know what it is like to be in a hatching. He smiles a bit, looking back at the eggs just in time for him to catch the glimpse of both of them bursting open. He smiles, both little greens, they will make two girl candidates really happy he muses to himself, not really paying attention that both of the greens were heading in his direction. One of them moves off towards the girl next to him, he smiles, I knew that shed impress... and I knew I wouldnt... What do you mean you wouldnt? The soft voice comes into his mind. "Huh what? Who said that?" He asks looking around. Down here silly! Im not that big yet! The voice says again. He looks down, staring at the little green near his feet. "I-I impressed a green?" He inquires, staring at her emerald form. Yes, you did! I am Qualnith!
Seria stood on the stands, squinting at the rocking eggs in the dimly let light of the glows. She had to pause once or twice to remember to breathe and she stared anxiously as one by one the large eggs rocked and the other girls became riders. She felt the ground vibrating with the dragons humming as a few more of the eggs rocked violently on the darkened sands the many colored lanterns of the dragon's eyes providing extra light for this momentous occasion. One of the girls nearest her gasped and she saw two of the smaller eggs rocking. Seria's heart pounded and she couldn't remember when she had felt her feet last. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead as the anxiety built. Suddenly one of the eggs cracked neatly in two spilling a small green hatchling protesting onto the hot sands. She squealed and screeched in hunger and confusion as she flopped across the sands to the cluster of girls. Seria watched as she stared intently into each girl's eyes looking for just the right one. A girl bent down to embrace the confused green but she dodges out of her way and into Seria's waiting arms. Seria smoothes out her damp wings as her cries subsided. My name is Mayeth said the little green I'm hungry. Terribly hungry. Seria chuckled and led her new weyrmate off the sands
That egg must hold a brown, Bronin thought as he watched the egg in question wiggle and move with the antics of the hatchling inside it. He'd seen a bronze Impress, and then another brown. it was difficult to tell exactly which egg held which color. Except for the gold one anyway, that egg was larger than the other and had a metallic gold shine to it, but of the other colors, it was hard to guess which egg would hold which color dragon. He looked toward the gold egg which had still not Hatched and wondered what lucky girl would Impressed the little queen. As he returned his attention to the egg he's been watching, it cracked perfectly in half to reveal the hatchling inside, and Bronin smiled. He'd been right, it was a brown all right, and what a brown. The dragonet's brown's hide gleamed with a mahogany hue all along the length of hide and flank, tail and wing-sails of this dragonet's proud form. His slender stature belies the strength and size he will one day have Bronin admired the possessing proud, strong lines of the dragonet and was rewarded with a feeling of hope and excitement when the dragonet stepped toward him. Emitting a hungry croon, the dragonet spoke to his chosen rider, Bronin, I am Pepsimenth, please feed me.
A large egg is wobbling and shaking in the sand as a shard falls off of the egg, followed by another, and again by a by a third; slowly but surely eroding away to fragments and dust. When the casing is weakened enough that it finally cracks into several ragged pieces and finally breaks apart, a dusky bronze dragonet emerges unsteadily and regards the world around him with what can only be termed defiance. His build promises that he will continue to be lean and even rangy in adulthood; bulky musculature will never be his, though he is at least as long from muzzle to tail as any other male of his color. There is still a wild nobility about him, like that of a runner stallion who has never been broken. He is not one who will ever be taken captive without a fight. Fiercely, he bugled a defiant welcome to this new world of his, trying to locate the one who would be his--the one lad who would ride the wild winds upon his back. And there! The bronze hatchling bounds toward a quiet lad. Authen, yes, you Authen are the one. I am Arinth, you are my rider.
Zakaros watched from the sands, as one dragon after another hatched. He saw people that he had gotten to know since he had come here impress and they were all very happy. He was looked nervous. Perhaps the dragon for him was not here, after all. Then, suddenly, an egg began to crack, and a beautiful sky blue dragon came out. "Is this one for me?" he wondered. The dragon walked straight. I'm hungry, it said. And oh, by the way, I'm Neodamonth. He smiled, and proudly stated "His name is Neodamonth!"
The egg began to rock, shaking with more and more intensity as the occupant inside fought its way free of the confining shell. Narrow cracks run along the sides of the egg and slowly the cracks widen as the hatchling within pushes against them. Claws scrabble at the cracks, pushing outwards; slowly, but surely, the shell gives way, leaving just enough room for a petite green dragonet to crawl free. At first glance, one could almost mistake this green for a statuette carved from frosted ice. Her pale green coloring flows over her hide like mist, with wisps of darker green hovering elusively underneath her fragile-seeming wing sails. Her mannerisms too, at first appear to coincide with her appearance: quiet and gentle most of the time, they hide her truly mischievous nature. The green looked about her, turning toward one Candidate then the next. But lo! There, she spied her. Running toward a girl with strawberry-blond hair, she sat lovingly at the girl's feet, staring up at her with trust and admiration. Cyprese, I am Green Devith. The green told her rider. I am always there for you, you will never be lonely again.
Byler stood and watched the last few rocking eggs. He'd seen the bronzes and the browns, was there another dragon here for him. His eyes were drawn to the egg nearest him. It shook herder and rocked more than the others. There was a loud cracking noise and the shell shattered, revealing the dragon that had lain within. A deep, midnight blue like that of a summer evening's sky is wrapped around this dragonet, coloring his hide. It deepens in places, most notably along the graceful neck's ridges, his wing sails, and his tail a midnight blue flowing down his neck, over a strong chest and belly. Byler's eyes were drawn to this blue's graceful form. As if sensing the Candidates eyes upon him, the young blue pranced about on the hot Sands before turning his head and regarding Byler with a regal glance. I am Blue Shoth, the dragon told him. You are my rider, Byler. The Candidate's smile grew wider as he heard the dragon speaking to him and he knelt in the Sands and hugged the young dragon that had chosen him.
The eggs were going fast, were there enough for all the Candidates? Would he be able to impress a dragon? Avernai studied the Sands, there were still several unhatched eggs left. There, that one, that egg was rocking softly. The egg gave no notice of it's Hatching, it simply did, the shards falling away from the Hatchling within. The dragonet was a beautiful, sleek blue, his hide shone with the sapphire sparkle of the summer sky and his well-muscled, handsomely proportioned body gives great promise to his size and strength to come. His wings are long and tapered, his head set well on his sloping shoulders. With a soft croon he wanders toward a tall young man with sandy brown hair. Heyla! I'm down here. he pokes the Candidate's leg with his nose. You're really tall. I hope I grow really big. I'm going be one of the biggest blues of this clutch don't you think? the Candidate looks down at the blue with a surprised smile. My name is Sentith, what's yours? The dragonet asks. "My name's Avernai," the Candidate tell him, kneeling in the sand to stroke the blue's eyeridges. "I wager you'll be the biggest, fastest, strongest blue of this whole clutch."
Jaysen stood among the circle of Candidates, every now and then brushing his hair back over his shoulder with his hands. As he watched the eggs begin to Hatch, he twists his robe, his fingers tightening reflexively on the material. After watching a bronze choose his partner, Jaysen's attention returned once more to the dragonets, wide eyes shifting between those remaining. A rather large egg near the golden mother begins to shake and rock as the Hatchling frees itself. A crack like the sharp retort of a crossbow-bolt thudding into a wooden target marked the end of the egg. In its place are a heap of shards, covering... something... like a protective blanket. Slowly, the shape underneath gets to its feet and shakes itself once, twice--to reveal a slender, serene, and long-boned mahogany brown dragonet. It is with an inborn dignity and poise that this brown steps away from the remnants of his shell. He lacks not for confidence, nor intelligence, nor any of those things that make for a calm and capable personality; his pace is unhurried, his movements, unrushed. This gives the remaining Candidates ample time to feast their eyes on his exquisite hide. Viewed from afar, he seems to have the sleek, dark cast of polished mahogany; seeing him up close, however, gives one a good look at the swirls of burnt sienna that wind themselves through the brown-black base of his coat. Only he seems unaware of his natural beauty; he's much more interested in fulfilling his urgent need both for food and companionship by seeking out the one among these humans who can provide both. With a low croon of hunger and the need for a friend, the dragonet cocked his head, tail tip twitch twitching. Then he slung forward, her wings neatly laid along his spine, his claws touching the sand only lightly. And he finds him. What is he doing with his robe? And up comes the head, and the eyes, so very bright, meet his lifemate's. Jaysen, the brown dragonet said. Jaysen, I am Wayvith, I choose you to be my rider.
A green usually only found in the shady areas in the grasslands, is now found on the hide of this young dragonet. Shaded green caresses eyeridges, neck ridges and flanks. Her belly shines a little lighter, like the sun has reversed positions and now shines from below rather than above. Her legs seem to be marginally longer than that of her clutch sibs, but it could just be the image created by the darker shading along the tendons, or she could very well be one of the larger greens of the clutch. Her face bears probably the most distinctive marks, dark lines like tears falling trail from the edge of her eyes, to the corner of her mouth. The dragonet looked about her with a regal air, almost delicate in her movements, her tail twitching slightly as she regarded the remaining Candidates. Then with a snort that shook her entire body, the green trotted over to a girl who stood slightly apart form the rest, her hands crossed across her chest. Slowly the green stole up behind her and nudged the girl with her nose. The girl jumped, slightly startled as she did so and the green crooned, Lena, I am Digith, you are my rider. One day we will soar in the sky. I will fly strong with you on my back.
Nathaniel hurriedly joined the other candidates, watching in utter amazement at all the dragons hatching around him. He had seen many hatchings, but this was the first one he was actually going to be in, actually going to take part in as a candidate. Before he had been too young to be considered candidate age, but now, he was 16, almost seventeen, he was at the right age now! He smiles happily as a green dragon chooses its life mate, a girl a few feet away from him. He frowns a bit, looking out into the not so large of eggs, slowly they were all hatching! And what if there were no more browns or blues left for him to impress! What if he didnt even impress at all! He frowns, wiping the hair from his face once more, "Stupid hair! Stay back!" He all but hisses at it. A little bronze dragon seats itself in front of him, looking at him curiously. What are you doing? He asks, laughing a bit to himself at the amusing human. Nathaniel stares in astonishment at the little bronze, "Im trying to get my hair to stay in its place! But it keeps moving into my eyes so I cant see!" He whines a bit, rubbing his eyes as he peers more at the dragon, yes, it is bronze. I like you! You are funny! I am Joshuath! He says and quickly nuzzles Nathaniels leg, "I impressed a bronze!!" He blinks more, "Hey! My parents and friends can call me Nniel! Oh! This is the best day of my life!" He bends down and takes the dragon in his arms, kissing its soft skin, holding him close. "I love you! Oh how I love you!" Nniel says before he is overpowered by the hunger spell his dragon sends, "Alright, lets go get you fed!"
The egg rocked and shook, the hatchling inside was relentless and wanted its freedom, the egg jerked and a foot popped out. Then another foot, then the third one... and finally the fourth leg. Most of the hatchling was still inside the egg but the baby pushed itself to all four feet and the egg cracked some more. With a mighty crack, the tail of the hatchling emerged and with another crack the egg shattered, revealing the baby dragon that lay within. The dragonet is the color of mists of ocean spray, this green stands like a fog in the minds of the Candidates. Her entire hide seems to shimmer with an unseen dampness, adding a glow of life to her otherwise washed-out color. As her ribcage extends with the air filling her lungs, the gleaming of her hide creates a rainbow of hues, unearthly in its magnificence, certain tints never thought possible from the spectrum of green. The slight movements she makes are so close to that of perfection, even but minutes old, grace evident in everything she does - even a clumsy trip is transformed into a fluid motion. A pose is struck, wing-sails unfurled to dry in the heat of the sands. With a twitch of her tail and a toss of her head, the dainty green dashes toward a girl, nearly colliding with her in her haste. Ixtma, I am Green Basseth, you are my rider. We are one now and forever. I'm starving, please feed me. Her words come out in a rush, and with a laugh, Ixtma leads her toward the waiting food.
Baran swallowed and shuffled his feet nervously on the sands. There were only 3 eggs left and nervousness waved through his body at the thought of not impressing. He looked into Azerith's eyes as she protectively placed a forepaw on the Queen's egg in front of her, he knew he wouldn't Impress that one at least. Suddenly the large egg next to the Queen's flank began to rock violently. The dragons in the bowl increased the volume of their humming and Baran held his breath, Oh Please. He thought to himself. By the first egg let this one be mine! Suddenly the egg split down one side and a glistening brown head burst from the crevice, the hatchling crooning piteously. With a final shove it spilled from its shell onto the hot sands, weaving his head in agitation. Without thinking Baran rushed forward and clutched the little browns head in his arms. I am Jelth. Said the dragon and Baran closed his eyes and smiled. I am hungry was all the hatchling said. Baran now B'ran, was a rider!
Sana stared in a mixed frenzy of emotion at the boy and the newly Impressed brown beside her. This is it she thought, only two left. Her heart raced at the thought of Impressing the Queen egg before her. She looked at the other girl standing besides her and lifted a foot of the almost unbearable hot sands, one of them would get the queen. A small egg began to rock violently and Sana bit her lip in anticipation. She quickly looked into the stands and found the comforting faces of Nissa, her blood-mother and Dia foster-mother who was sitting close by Nissa had a wistful expression on her face as she nodded encouragement to her daughter. Sana turned back to the egg just as the hatchling inside gave a violent push and the little green spilled onto the sands flapping her wet wings wildly. She crooned loudly and flopped around on the sands trying to find her feet. Sana looked around nervously and then couldn't stand the ear piercing cries any longer, she ran forward to embrace the hatchling and comfort its frantic cries. Thank you said a small voice in her mind I am Soneth. Hungry. Sana smiled and then announced proudly. "Her name is Soneth!"
A heavy sigh escapes Karianas mouth as she stares at the last three eggs. Suddenly one of them cracks open, spilling a dainty blue from its shell. It creeled, its tattered and sleek form slowly making its way to a boy next to her. Two more eggs left, only two more left! She crosses her fingers and closes her eyes tight, wishing, hoping it will help her get a dragon. While her eyes are tightly shut, the last two eggs burst open, a little green and the little gold slowly start making their way to the very few candidates left. Kariana opens her eyes, not catching the glittery form of the gold, just the deep verdant of the green. A heavy sigh is pushed forth from her body as she watches the green impress with the girl at her side. "Her name is Soneth!" The girl says proudly. Kariana sighs more and slowly starts to walk away, knowing that the gold had already impressed, and not with her. I am Lazibeth! A sweet voice said into her head, it was irradiating with love and the unbelievable feeling of hunger. She looks back, seeing a little golden form scrambling across the sands in her direction. She blinks a bit, staring at the golden girl, "Lazibeth is your name? You mean you chose me as your rider?" She slowly lets the tears of happiness roll down her cheeks. I love you! But can you do me a favor? Kariana nods a bit, wiping away her tears, "Yes! Anything!" Feed me!! My tummy hurts! She laughs and picks up the dragonet, happily walking to the rest of the candidates that impressed.
After all the Impressions:
Slowly one by one, the candidates and their newly impressed dragons slowly walked and padded off the scorching sand.