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The Dark Tower



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Welcome to my dark tower. I am the keeper of the Dark Tower. Enter the forgotten worlds of adventure and fantasy. Come in and be my guest.

Master Gono, keeper of the Dark Tower



The Larp-Page

Everything about liveacting-roleplaying, the best cons in the north of Germany. The official Bosau-Live Fanpage and for newbies: What is liveacting- roleplaying?


Sign my Guestbook.





I wish you all a Happy new Year! Now the message: The part "Roleplaying at the AKF" is closed now. All stuff will be moved to offizielle Seite des AKF´s (curently in german only).


The new update is here. A half year of silence are longe enough, i think so. There are 19 new pictures at the Bosau-Live Fan-Page (german). Also there are some other updates: The Report of Bosau 7 (german) and the best cons in the north of germany (german) has been updated: Zauberwald (german) and Hevn Stot (german) are now available.


Now available: the Report of Bosau 6 (german). And also new: Totentanz (german). Tomorrow Zauberwald starts and you will get my oppinion about this Con as soon as I can write it.



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Updated: 08.01.2001 by Master Gono (eMail: STD10287@dial.tf.uni-kiel.de)