Aliens Title

In space no one can hear you scream

The year is 2184. Humanity has reached the stars, and taken all their problems with them. Disputes between the major powers are escalating to interstellar war, colonies are demanding their independence, and in the middle of it all the rumours of a hostile new lifeform...

This section depicts a hard science TL9 background, based around the excellent Colonial Marines Technical Manual. Thanks go to Robert Stefko for providing me with Lee Brimmicombe-Wood's notes for a proposed Aliens RPG. Much of the world information is based on these notes, particularly the colour-text, which is verbatim.

16 / 5 / 00 - This section is still under construction, so many of the links will not work. Sorry about this, hopefully those links will be working in the next week or two.

  1. The Aliens Universe
  2. Details of a Universe
  3. Characters
  4. Equipment and Supplies
  5. Starships and FTL Technology
  6. Military Forces