Welcome to my Jumbled Guestbook! If you have signed my guestbook you would know that this particular book is for two pages: My Rogue page And My Stories Page (which has a Calvin and Hobbes Theme). If you haven't signed my guestbook then you better hurry y r butt up and do it: ) Feel free to check out what everybody else wrote below.

Katie Keltner - 09/27/99 22:14:21
My Email:Justin_dreamer12@hotmail.com
Which of My Pages did you Come From?: Your youth one
Are U More a Calvin or Hobbes? Or Susie? Or Rogue?: Susie
Do You Read Comics? If So Which One(s)? If not WHY!?: I just don't
What is your Favorite Color?: purple
Favorite Muppet/Sesame Street Character:: Miss Piggy
Favorite Quote:: Your point is

He's my older brother.

Kristina - 07/15/99 12:08:06
My Email:tkj_etal@bellsouth.net
Which of My Pages did you Come From?: main page
Are U More a Calvin or Hobbes? Or Susie? Or Rogue?: Hobbes
Do You Read Comics? If So Which One(s)? If not WHY!?: Yup. Ever heard of Tintin?
What is your Favorite Color?: blue & pink
Favorite Muppet/Sesame Street Character:: cookie monster
Favorite Quote:: "Who's scruffy looking?" (Han to Leia, episode IV)

Great site Joe. Miss you! -Thanx for letting me know about come-to.com @ hmtl goodies! You're a great help. :-)

Call me Susie - 06/29/99 15:01:39
Which of My Pages did you Come From?: rogue
Are U More a Calvin or Hobbes? Or Susie? Or Rogue?: Calvin and Hobbies
Do You Read Comics? If So Which One(s)? If not WHY!?: Don't read comics
What is your Favorite Color?: blue
Favorite Muppet/Sesame Street Character:: Miss Piggie
Favorite Quote:: "Luke, I am your father!"

what the heck is rogue, anyway?

Crystal (the odd chick you talk to in art class sometimes) - 11/21/98 08:36:48
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks/lorann/index.html
My Email:trixielorann@hotmail.com
Which of My Pages did you Come From?: i dunno, one of them one pages that had a little underlined word on it or something like that..it's to early to tell
Are U More a Calvin or Hobbes? Or Susie? Or Rogue?:
i'm a soosie fan...*yAh* GIRL POWER!!! *pukes*
Do You Read Comics? If So Which One(s)? If not WHY!?: NOOOO..because they're porn...
What is your Favorite Color?: metalic saftey orange
Favorite Muppet/Sesame Street Character:: the little frog guy...(kermit??)
Favorite Quote: Man who has sex on grass has peace on earth.

joe, you're page rocks..are you gonna scan some pics for me when i get some *decent* ones? i'm so tired, it's freekin 2:24 a.m. on saturday morning. i hope you read this this weekend. my eyes hurt. i just got done drinking a pepsi and eatin a slice of lef over pizza. i ate the last cup cake today *sAd* my cat Garfunkle still hasn't come home. i miss him...*sad* i need to get some sleep. i'm about to doze off right here...my butt hurts from sitting so long. i get to see ryan when he comes home next tuesday. do we have school on wednesday or not? i'm so c nfused...*runs around in circles making airoplane noises* you know that assignment we just got back from mr. mohn today (friday) the 50 pointer over the dumb movie, i got 29 points. i'm going to have to read huck finn over thanksgiving break and retake th test. i hate mr. mohn. he's a jackass....i hope he doens't have an "accident" on his "hog". i'm tired. did i already say that? i think i'm rambling. i really should have said all this in an e-mail, but i wanted to answer your questions....i didn't want t get anymore "hate mail" from you demanding that i come and sign this dumb thing. my butt hurts. man, i wish i could go catch some ZZZZ's... oh well, i'm sure i'll live. i don't have to get up until like 1 tomorrow after noon *yAh* i think the sleep deprivation is messin w/ my typing skills....i'm going to go to bed. i hope all of my message will fit here...good night everybody

Joe Keltner - 11/07/98 21:33:42
My URL:Your already Here
My Email:hobbens@yahoo.com
Which of My Pages did you Come From?: Both
Are U More a Calvin or Hobbes? Or Susie? Or Rogue?: I'm more a Calvin with about 1/3 Hobbes and a tad bit of Rogue
Do You Read Comics? If So Which One(s)? If not WHY!?: Yes, X-Men. As far as Comic Strips: Garfield, C&H and Zits
What is your Favorite Color?: Warning Yellow, Dark Blue & Metallic Celery Green
Favorite Muppet/Sesame Street Character: Muppets: Fozzie Bear & Miss Piggy; SesStChtrs: Telly & Grover
Favorite Quote: I wuz heer

Both of the pages are excellent. I can tell I spent a lot of time on both of them. I really like my poems and my animations are cool. I must be so smart and I can tell I am increadibly talented. I think I am also very humorus although after reading this orny little paragraph I'd say I'm just really kinda stupid.

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