R.K.ROBINSON JR. - 11/11/00 21:11:42 My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/InfiniteLoop/pen-dragon/home.html My Email:lynxlot1@hotmail.com | Comments: Hello, My name is Rick Robinson and I have a website dedicated to poetry and fantasy. I've recently established a web ring for the purpose of linking together web sites that fall into the literarature, fantasy, and graphics categories. I spend a lot of time surfing the web looking for sites that qualify for admission to the web ring and I would like to invite you to submit your site for admission. I would be honored to have your site as a member of the ring. If you would be interested in doing so, please click the join button on the PEN-DRAGON Poetry and Fantasy Sites ring graphic which can be found on my home page. After you receive the generic ring code in the email, please visit my site again and click on the link that will help you edit the html properly. I hope you will consider joining and thanks. ~~~PEN-DRAGON~~~ |
Leah the nymphet - 05/31/00 10:34:09 My Email:black_russian182@hotmail.com | Comments: ...and who is Erika?... |
Leah the nymphet - 05/31/00 10:29:22 My Email:black_russian182@hotmail.com | Comments: hey there sex on legs be jealous all you other girls!!!!!!!! the Mole is mine! Love you babe Leah |
jess roberts - 05/16/00 05:25:50 My Email:jess1037@hotmail | Comments: hello me again hope you get this message soon been wanting to get in contact with you for ages.you'll never guess i actually made it into uni hows life over there im sending this message cos a) i want to talk to you and i sent one but im not sure whether you got it or not b)emailing is way more fun than a psychology essay which im meant to be doing cos its due in on friday and i haven't started gee somethings just don't change ok better go and pleeeeeaaaaaassssseeeeee write back oh no that sounds like im really desperate i mean yeah sure write abck if you want and i'll try and find time to email you ahh thats better doesn't sound half as desperate better go *********love jess************* |
jess roberts - 05/16/00 05:09:43 My Email:jess1037@hotmail | Comments: g'day slacker hows things going like your page if your not heaps angry or anything like that email me love jess ps im i supposed to write this type of messages here oh well |
Jewel - 05/13/00 22:15:14 My URL:/soulseeker_jewel My Email:boots@csonline.net | Comments: I was looking for your site! I finally found it again :) You see, I posted your poem, starlit dreamer, on my site, and I didn't know where to link it to and i never got to ask if it was ok. So I'll ask now, before I go any further. I'll take it down f you'd like. Please tell me what you think |
Jenn Pierce - 04/04/00 02:01:32 My Email:pierce_jenn@hotmail.com | Comments: All I can say is that I have bookmarked your site and look forward to reading more. Your words could easily become addicitive! Never stop :) |
Anthony Young - 03/17/00 04:41:00 My Email:falcon250@hotmail.com | Comments: I did not think you had this sort of work in you nick !, well done mate. well have to get together and have a beer or 20 one day. Seeya later cock YoUnGy |
Paul C. - 02/27/00 20:05:16 My URL:http://www.actsof1.com My Email:PaulC@actsof1.com | Comments: I really liked your site!! I have booked marked it, to come back again later to read more of what you have. |
- 09/23/99 07:41:38 | Comments: no dad |
aza - 08/28/99 10:59:41 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~nomura77/index.html My Email:norazani99@yahoo.cm | Comments: nice homepage..well done...do visit my site... |
Jza - 06/24/99 12:00:52 My Email:Jza@SuckMyDick.cum | Comments: G'day Nick you Stupid ChopHead!...I gotta run, see ya at school tomorrow, Jza. |
Lady Lydia - 06/23/99 07:56:42 My URL:http://members.xoom.com/_XOOM/zyphryus/index.html My Email:zyphryus@hotmail.com | Comments: Interesting and intreaguing, lovely and living. I was traveling on the winds of time and landed here to have a look around. I was inspired. But now I must go again, fare thee well. |
Sharon Marie - 06/09/99 12:45:19 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/nashville/opry/6555 My Email:sharon@curryaf.globalnet.co.uk | Comments: Beautiful pages and work. Congrats on the poem being published. I know that is a wonderful feeling. I too have one waiting to be published. Best of luck to your future! |
Drusilla - 04/21/99 09:30:34 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/Drusilla My Email:drusilla792hotmail.com | Comments: Hi, I'm 19f looking for ppl (16-22) to start a fantasy webring with. Our aim is to write a fantasy story together. So if you like reading books like WOT, Sword of Truth, Otherland etc etc etc, and your english is ok, send me an email for more information ) DON'T POST ANYTHING HERE, PLEAS EMAIL ME DIRECTLY AT:drusilla79@hotmail.com |
Aerilaya - 02/19/99 05:22:30 My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Vampire1 My Email:aerilaya@bellsouth.net | Comments: Well, you have come a long way sweety. Im so happy for you about all that you have done. I am most definetly going to get the book, give me something to read, which i love reading your poems the most. Hopefully ill get my book done one of these days, god illing. *hugs and smooches* Erica |
Adam - 02/17/99 10:34:07 My Email:dookie@hotmail.com | Comments: Marvellous page, congradulations on WOI, i'll read the book when you get it. Your bro, Adam (The less intelligent one) |
Turki Amer - 02/16/99 06:23:00 My URL:http://westwood.fortunecity.com/malcolms/474 My Email:turki@netvision.net.il | Comments: Hello Starlit Dreamer! Thanks for visiting and signing. I read some of your poems, especially "Love or Passion" which says: "Passion, not love, is quickly diminished." Keep on dreaming and writing more things of beauty and light to brighten our global lig t. Good-bye! |
Lady Amethyst - 01/29/99 18:57:56 My URL:http://members.home.net:80/ladyamethyst/ My Email:ladyamethyst@home.com | Comments: Nick, your sweet words have touched my soul and I enjoy reading your creative thoughts. You are truly talented. Keep up the great work. Love ya! |
Susan Foster - 01/20/99 13:19:27 My URL:/Athens/Thebes/8798 My Email:cloudsandstars@msn.com | Comments: Hello! What a good page you have here! Keep up the good work. While I'm here, I'd like to invite you to visit my site, The Prediction Page, where you can make your own predictions, answer the qu stion of the month, and read what others think. I hope you'll come by soon, I'd love to hear from you! Good luck to you in the future, and I predict you'll have a wonderful day! :) |
Jessie - 01/12/99 01:35:57 My URL:/Paris/Parc/8741 My Email:jessie99@geocities.com | Comments: Hey there you Starlit Dreamer! Just thought that I'd drop you a little line to tell you that I LOVE your work and imagination. You are quite a unique person and I've enjoyed talking to you... I plan to get to know you better :). Thanks for joining my webring, and I know that anyone who visits your site will enjoy it too. Take care and may all your dreams be sweet. Always, Jessie ![]() |
TBW - 12/31/98 07:23:01 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/brightdreamer My Email:tbweber@msn.com | Comments: Great site! You do have a way with the written word... would that we all were so talented. I was just visiting fellow members of the Dreamer's Ring when I found this place. I've got it bookmarked for a return trip - it's impossible to see it all in one trip. |
Kyshandra - 12/21/98 04:44:49 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Hollow/9001/ My Email:kyshandra@hotmail.com | Comments: What a wonderful page! I would feel priveledged if you would enter my realm, for it too deals with the Dream. Please visit and leave your dreams with me. |
Shipwreck - 12/21/98 01:25:25 My URL:http://www.eagnet.com/edipage/user/shipwreck/ My Email:shipwreck@eagnet.com | Comments: Great Site. I was dirrected here by the Fae GateKeeper |
Arthur - 12/19/98 16:43:13 My URL:http://www.bright.net/~pheonix/realmethereal.htm My Email:hagthree@hotmail.com | Comments: Greetings, I am from the Realm Ethereal, and I seek those who may aid me in my fight against the tyrannical Ebon Lord. The Ęther guided me to your location in hopes that I might find aid. If you can assist me in my struggle please follow the Ęther to the Realm Ethe eal. Arthur M. Zavyer III |
Euphoria - 12/17/98 23:18:56 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/rampart/8208 My Email:euphoria@cp-tel.net | Comments: WOW!!! Your words are true words that creative minds linger over to seek inspiration from. You have chosen eloquent text and a star lit background to reveal the images from your mind to cyber travelers. I thank you so much for having a place like this a d please continue expressing yourself for all to see! |
Sofia - 12/06/98 13:21:42 My Email:angel_chick699@yahoo.com | Comments: I really have enjoyed your webpage, its bloody wicked and contains cool stuff in it!!! |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Kriss - 09/27/98 01:23:14 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~klJones My Email:kriss.jones@gurlmail.com | Comments: Hey...I like your page!!! Awesome poetry!!! sign my guestbook and I'll link to you!!! Kriss |
Cindy - 09/24/98 01:36:42 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Lady Amethyst (AKA Krysta Lynn) (Real name:Lisa) - 08/31/98 15:56:53 My URL:http://members.home.net:80/ladyamethyst/ My Email:ladyamethyst@home.com | Comments: You webpage is wonderful and your poetry so sad yet inspiring and breathtaking...thank you so much for letting me view this site, I've enjoyed every last word written here. You are truly gifted. Thank you again. |
Jenn - 08/26/98 15:37:20 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~jr17 My Email:firespam@gurlmail.com | Comments: Cool site! I found you off the Dreamer's webring! Your fiction and poems are all very good! Please visit my site and sign the guestbook. |
feathers - 08/20/98 02:23:32 My Email:feathers37@hotmail.com | Comments: Wonderful web page with great writing. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your works :)))) keep up the good work!!! |
Rob - 08/14/98 09:48:44 My URL:http://members.home.net/wpruett/Rogue/ My Email:wpruett@home.com | Comments: OH MY GOD!! THEY KILLED KENNY! YOU BASTARDS!! ... Happy? I signed it! |
Mithrandir - 08/11/98 12:58:14 | Comments: Um.. Cool, and stuff :P |
Monica - 08/11/98 10:18:52 My URL:http://members.networx.net.au/~monica My Email:monica@networx.net.au | Comments: Hiya Nick, Well this is it...... the start of a wonderful career... and I know you will be FANTASTIC. Now when you are famous you wont forget those who put up with you when you were'nt will you *grins* Monica
Aerilaya - 08/10/98 13:27:27 My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Aerilaya/ My Email:aerilaya@xoommail.com | Comments: Its a great page sweety! Good job. Much better than what i can possibly do.*smiles* Keep up the good work and never forget i am always at your side. *hugs and smooches* Your Friend forever..Erica. |
Rannis - 08/10/98 12:37:07 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/delphi/5368 My Email:mighty1@lis.ab.ca | Comments: "And the light from the mountaintop reached unto the people. The dingo hath wrought happiness; and sewn mirth from despair. And the people rejoiced." -Dan 2:5 The Book of Dingo Great page, Nick. ;) |
A Random Traveler on the Milky Way of Life. - 08/10/98 11:23:32 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~NightKite My Email:grrlrock@tiac.net | Comments: Love the logo! Seriously, Nickie, the page is fantastic. :) |