This little page is my memorial to the great calls that we hear every day, and to the inspiriational quotes that can help us through this horrible thing we call life.
Much thanks to Alexis, one of the best friends i've ever known.. without whose strange advice, inane comments and startling logic this page would not exist :)
And to Jess, the -best- friend I could have ever had, my partner in crime and 'other half'. The possessor of the most twisted sense of humour known on earth other than my own ;) I'll be missing you, girl!
(Remember, 2002 - Serious Stuff)
"I'm just a girl, I don't understand!"
-Bronwyn "The Super-Feminist"
"The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard."
"A Jury is twelve people who determine which client has the better attorney."
Oblivion-Angel: "Why? Do ye find vampires a bad thing?"
Moriae: "They're leeches. They feed off humanity and have no real life of their own. They're users."
Oblivion-Angel: "Isn't everybody?"
"But there's a difference between being wanted by someone who actually knows you, and being wanted by someone who sees you as a prop to hang their fantasies on.
The first is good, the second makes you feel like a whore."
"Better to resist temptation than to never come across it. Y'know?"
"Even a broken clock is right at least twice a day."
"Life's a bitch..then Nick comes along, and gets her on crack.."
"Hey, I'm well meaning.. But good intentions pave the road to hell."
"I'm sorry, did I accidently give you the impression that I cared?"
"Hi Nicky, drop dead."
-Bronwyn. ("The Bitter Super-Feminist")
"What is that on his tie?! *gasp of disgust*"
-Nick, Jo, Bronwyn & Freya.
"Memories are but grains of sand, every single one is different and unique. So a picture camera and the ocean are alike, one captures memories, the other captures loved ones."
"Did Aboriginals eat each other?"
-Jess "Vanity"
"Sure, but the difference between your kids and Jess's kids is yours wouldn't be too cute to stomp on."
"I was just off having a thick shake...."
"Oh bite me. OW, Hey!"
"I wish i'd slept with more girls, I wish i'd done more drugs.. I wish you'd all go and get fucked..."
"The Black Ages. A terrible time. A time that, if you were even to hear about, would shred your soul into a trillion peices and cast them to the four winds. And if it didn't, Nick would."
-The Freaky Two. (Nick & Jess)
-The Void, AKA The Garbage Bag, AKA, The Black Hole, AKA, Smirnoff's Scourge, AKA, The Energiser Bunny on Drugs, AKA Freya!
"Women don't degrade men, most of them are the do-it-yourself types."
"MEEEEEOOOOOOOOWWW" "Oh My God, Freya broke his pelvis!"
"I think there should be a law passed to stop you ever breeding Freya."
"You're not a bitch Bronnie, you're just a WANNA-BE bitch! So there!"
"Noooo Noooo I am a Bitch! I AM!"
-Bronwyn "The Disillusioned"
"Now as for Jess.. -She- is a silly bitch"
"But i'm soooo good at it."
"I am innocent! I am!"
"I do so have willpower!"
"Hahaha, Yeah right."
"Of course I believe you, beautiful. *laughter* Sorry, didn't think I could say that with a straight face"
"I'll bet they're down in the bosco center... shit.. keep walking..."
"Stop saying that!!!!!"
-Jess "Don'tSayThey'reDownAtTheBoscoCenterOrYou'llCurseUs"
"Sure I know how to use this thing.. look, will just be one second.."
-Jess "ICan'tUseCallWaiting"
"If I held my breath each time you were supposed to call me, i'd have died a million times over already."
Murphy's Laws
If there are any quotes that intrigue me more than any other (excluding, of course, the quotes of the great Alexis), they are Murphy's Laws.
Having said this, I went out of my way to bring to you, and to me, as big a list of Murphy's Laws as I can gather. Not only this, I can guarentee they are all 100% true. Enjoy.
Murphey's Laws - The greatest Cynic ever.
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