Well, I like to consider myself a Finishipper. I would be happy with simply another kiss in the final episode/movie.
I am a subtle finishipper, in that I don't want anything too graphic (Melrose Place-y) to happen between the duo. I would love to see at least an episode where the relationship is clearly addressed, through discussion, by Mulder and Scully.
I live for those cute Mulder/Scully moments *aww*. IMHO, they make one perfect pair, but I wouldn't want to act on that so soon because it may ruin the quality of the show.
NoRoMos, I do not critisize you, because as I recall, I once was one. Though at the time I didn't have the internet, and didn't know I fit into a certain category. I saw Mulder and Scully as best friends and didn't want them to "get together" because I feared that a relationship may ruin the quality of the show. I still adored those M&S moments back then, though.
I soon shifted my thinking to entertain the idea of Mulder and Scully beginning a relationship at the very end of the show, so that it was implied, but it didn't have a chance to turn the show to mush. (Not to say that that is what I think would happen fo certain, but I digress... ;-) ) I soon got the internet and found out that, to a certain degree, I was in the category of Finishipper.
Shippers, I will not critisize you either, because you are right, M&S make the perfect pair :o) . We are all X-Philes, so we agree on that one strong aspect. Thanks for listening! :o) |