UPDATED 03/01/99!
This is Version 2.0 of Jon's Web Site. I hope you enjoy the changes. Hopefully you will be able to navigate the site a little easier now. Be sure to sign the guest book and tell me what you think of the new look. My 3d modeling skills are slowly growing and you'll be able to see examples on the Star Blazers Page. I am also adding a Meshes Page so that 3d Studio users will be able to download some of my meshes for their own use. Well, sit back and enjoy the site.
07/19/99- Added Pictures of my latest mesh, the Comet Empire Space Battleship. on the Star Blazers Page.
04/02/99- Added EDF Space Fleet Image on the Star Blazers Page.
03/01/99- Added EDF Space Destroyer Images on the Star Blazers Page.
11/11/98- Added Beta test Scenario and a Batttlecraft example on the Star Blazers Fleet Battle Page.
10/19/98- Completely rebuilt my EDF Battleship mesh. For the first pictures of this new mesh visit the Star Blazers page!!Star Blazers
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