Star Tours

Production Notes

Production Photograph

Modle shop supervisor Steve Gawley and Denis Muren attend to last-minuate detailing of a shuttle station set for the film, designed as an uninterupted jouney with no apparent cuts.

In 1987, Industrial Light and Magic partnered with Walt Disney Imagineering in the making of Star Tours, an animatronic and simulator film ride - rooted in the Star Wars saga - in which vacationing passengers board a StarSpeeder shuttle and are taken on a hair-raising test flight piloted by a rookie robot. Effects art director Dave Carson and effects supervisor Dennis Muren orchestrated four and a half minutes of continuous effects footage simulating an uninterrupted view from the StarSpeeder passenger bay. The film was first developed in a full-length videomatic that employed cardboard cutouts and simple, wire-frame computer graphics. The videomatic served as both a reference in the model photography and a basis for early programming of the motion base. Motion control photography of miniature sets, such as the launch station, an ice tunnel, and the Death Star followed. Sudden banking turns helped to mask cuts and make the film appear seamless.

From Cinefex-March 1996

An example of how the film appears seamless with no apparent cuts:

In this scene, as we fly into the Death Star Trench, the film seamlessly cuts from a wide matte painting to a matching model. The tower that is firing in the matte painting on the left hits the screen twice, filling the screen completely with white. On the second hit, the white is used to mask a cut to a model that closely matches the matte painting. After the cut, the camera changes its angle and dives down into the trench. Once you know to watch for this, you can see the cut while watching the film at normal speed. Test your perception skills by looking at the very beginning of this Quicktime Video Clip (1.3 MB) off of Disneyland's web page and see the cut for yourself.

These notes are courtesy of Ian the Iceman, who worked on Star Tours while working for ILM's model shop.
Other things to note:

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Maik Me

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