If there's no one there, or nobody's talking, try coming backat a later time, or just hang around for a while. In the middle of the day, when people are at work or school, there may not be much happening. Try coming in between 4 and 6 PM Pacific Standard time (7 and 9 PM EST). |
Goldberry is a bot and can do many things, including singing, serving Tolkien related images, greeting users she knows, and kicking annoying people from the channel. In the future she will be able to conduct trivia games too. Commands for Goldberry are listed below. |
Command Description
!sing list | Gives the descriptions and names of songs Goldy can sing. | |
!sing <songtitle> | Sings the song requested. | |
!seen <nick> | Returns the last time Berry saw that user. | |
!time | Gives the current time (PDT) | |
!trivia | Gives info on submitting trivia questions. | |
!dcclist | Lists the files Berry can send (Not yet implemented) | |
!send <filename> | Sends the requested file. | |
!whois <nick> | Gives info on the specified user. |