Hello and welcome to Ground Zero, the World's
FIRST unofficial Shadowman Site. Over the next few months, these pages will grow
(hopefully!) into a valuable resource for anybody seeking information on the new
generation of Shadowman comics, and of course the forthcoming Shadowman video game from
Acclaim Entertainment.
Tuck In!
Although this site is fairly new, there is
already plenty of information to tuck into (visit the Press Clippings page
for lots of interesting features), and I'm adding more and more text and images every
week, so it's always worth popping back every so often for the latest news and insider
Free Links
If you are a fan of the Shadowman comic and
have a site of your own, check out my LINKS page and submit your URL address. I'll check
out your site and pop in a link as soon as I next update the site. Ultimately, I'm hoping
to start a Shadowman Ring, linking all the sites together.
Cool Beans
If you're into the same things as I am, pay a
visit to my Favourites page (currently under construction) and check out some of the cool
sites which I frequent from time to time. There's also a link to Acclaim's website, which
is strangely devoid of anything Shadowman-related at the present time.
Frames Or No Frames?!
You might have noticed that the FRAMES link on
the Main Index doesn't work yet - this is because I'm in the middle of producing the
frames pages! However, at the moment I'm using tables to lay out all the information, as
well as putting in hyperlinks all over the place, so all you frames junkies shouldn't have
too bad a time of it.
Comments And Feedback
I'm not perfect, so if I've made any errors, if
a link doesn't work properly, or if some of my pages don't work on particular browsers,
please let me know. Additionally, if you have any comments, feedback, suggestions, or
requests, please E-Mail me. I'll try to answer all mails personally, but answers to
Shadowman-related questions will appear on my FAQ page for all to see.
Shadowman - Comic Reviews - Characters - FAQ
E-Mail - Press Clippings - Links - Favourites
Recent Updates - Guestbook
Shadowman © & ™ Acclaim Comics Inc.
Shadowman™ is a registered trademark of Acclaim Entertainment, Inc.
All other characters herein and the distinct likenesses thereof
are trademarks of Acclaim Comics, Inc. All rights reserved.