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Season One13 color episodes in one hour format
The Ninth Doctor - Christopher Eccleston (2005)
1101Mar 26/05(UK)Rose
2102Apr 02/05(UK)The End of the World
3103Apr 09/05(UK)The Unquiet Dead
4104Apr 16/05(UK)Aliens of London (Part 1)
5105Apr 23/05(UK)World War Three (Part 2)
6106Apr 30/05(UK)Dalek
7107May 07/05(UK)The Long Game
8108May 14/05(UK)Father's Day
9109May 21/05(UK)The Empty Child (Part 1)
10110May 28/05(UK)The Doctor Dances (Part 2)
11111Jun 06/05(UK)Boom Town
12112Jun 11/05(UK)Bad Wolf (Part 1)
13113Jun 18/05(UK)The Parting of the Ways (Part 2)

Specials3 color episodes
The Tenth Doctor - David Tennant (2005 - 09)
Nov 18/05(UK)Born Again (7 mins)
14200Dec 25/05(UK)The Christmas Invasion (60 mins)
Dec 25/05(UK)Attack of the Graske (14 mins)

Season Two13 color episodes in one hour format
15201Apr 15/06(UK)New Earth
16202Apr 22/06(UK)Tooth and Claw
17203Apr 29/06(UK)School Reunion
18204May 06/06(UK)The Girl in the Fireplace
19205May 13/06(UK)Rise of the Cybermen (Part 1)
20206May 20/06(UK)The Age of Steel (Part 2)
21207May 27/06(UK)The Idiot's Lantern
22208Jun 03/06(UK)The Impossible Planet (Part 1)
23209Jun 10/06(UK)The Satan Pit (Part 2)
24210Jun 17/06(UK)Love & Monsters
25211Jun 24/06(UK)Fear Her
26212Jul 01/06(UK)Army of Ghosts (Part 1)
27213Jul 08/06(UK)Doomsday (Part 2)

Special1 color episode in one hour format
28300Dec 25/06(UK)The Runaway Bride

Season Three13 color episodes in one hour format
29301Mar 31/07(UK)Smith and Jones
30302Apr 07/07(UK)The Shakespeare Code
31303Apr 14/07(UK)Gridlock
32304Apr 21/07(UK)Daleks in Manhattan (Part 1)
33305Apr 28/07(UK)Evolution of the Daleks (Part 2)
34306May 05/07(UK)The Lazarus Experiment
35307May 12/07(UK)42
36308May 19/07(UK)Human Nature (Part 1)
37309May 26/07(UK)The Family of Blood (Part 2)
38310Jun 02/07(UK)Blink
39311Jun 09/07(UK)Utopia (Part 1)
40312Jun 16/07(UK)The Sound of Drums (Part 2)
41313Jun 23/07(UK)Last of the Time Lords (Part 3)

Specials3 color episodes
Apr 02/07 - Jun 30/07(UK)The Infinite Quest (animated 46 mins)
Nov 16/07(UK)Time Crash (8 mins)
42400Dec 25/07(UK)Voyage of the Damned (72 mins)

Season Four13 color episodes in one hour format
43401Apr 05/08(UK)Partners in Crime
44403Apr 12/08(UK)The Fires of Pompeii
45402Apr 19/08(UK)Planet of the Ood
46404Apr 26/08(UK)The Sontaran Stratagem (Part 1)
47405May 03/08(UK)The Poison Sky (Part 2)
48406May 10/08(UK)The Doctor's Daughter
49407May 17/08(UK)The Unicorn and the Wasp
50409May 31/08(UK)Silence in the Library (Part 1)
51410Jun 07/08(UK)Forest of the Dead (Part 2)
52408Jun 14/08(UK)Midnight
53411Jun 21/08(UK)Turn Left
54412Jun 28/08(UK)The Stolen Earth (Part 1)
55413Jul 05/08(UK)Journey's End (Part 2)

Specials7 color episodes
Jan 01/09(UK)Music of the Spheres (7 mins)
56414Dec 25/08(UK)The Next Doctor
57415Apr 11/09(UK)Planet of the Dead
Fall /09(UK)Dreamland (animated 7 x 6 mins)
58416Nov 14/09(UK)The Waters of Mars
59417Dec 25/09(UK)The End of Time (Part 1)
60418Jan 01/10(UK)(Part 2)

Season Five color episodes in one hour format
The Eleventh Doctor - Matt Smith (2010)

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