This series, which was co-created by Isaac Asimov, aired on ABC from March 7th, 1988 to June 29th, 1988 for a total of seven episodes.
It starred:
Parker Stevenson as .......................................... Austin James
Ashley Crowe as ................................................ Mickey Castle
Austin James was a brilliant young scientist who was somewhat lacking in social skills. He operated out of a warehouse known as the "batcave", and refused to kill any of the animal life that shared his space. Mickey was assigned to him by his company, Serendip. He tried to fire her the first time she reported to him, but by the end of the pilot episode he had decided to keep her around. Whenever she go angry, she was able to help him solve the seemingly unsolvable cases he worked on for the police.
Castles Romantic fanfic from both Austin's and Mickey's POV.
Episode Guide
"Pilot" James reluctantly accepts the assignment of secretary Mickey Castle who unwittingly helps him solve killings involving a human-like supercomputer, a frozen corpse and a maintenance man.
"Untouched by Human Hands" A nuclear explosion at Serendip produces a radioactive corpse whose $2.5 million life insurance policy names his maid-and not his wife-as beneficiary.
"Black Cats Don't Walk Under Ladders, Do They?" A witch casts a spell on a caustic talk show host, but Austin, dismissing witchcraft as a form of hypnosis, suspects there's more than the power of suggestion in her sorcery.
"Methmorphic, Anthropoidic, Prototype Over You" Seeking a $10 million grant, Serendip asks Austin to evaluate a superintelligent ape. Meanwhile, an overzealous graduate student swings into Austin's lab, where she is murdered-but is it simianly possible for the ape to be the killer?
"Now You See It ..." It's a case of now you see it, now you don't when one of Austin's computerized brainchildren goes haywire and kills several people, and the only lead is a series of illusions.
"Plan 10 from Outer Space" An egotistical sc-fi writer claims to be haunted by a vengeful extra-terrestrial named "Pretzel 14" and calls on skeptical Austin James to help him trap the alien.
"Quit It" Perfect parents, perfect children and the perfect neighborhood seem like the American dream, but when Austin and Mickey stumble into this idyllic scene, something seems perfectly wrong and it may have something to do with some perfect little anti-smoking pills.
Images (captured from the Pilot movie)
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