This page is maintained by Rainmaker
Last updated January 29th, 2001.
I started writing this page because I was looking for certain
info on ferret health, and I had to go through 5 pages just to find
all the information that I wanted. My idea was to put as much
information about ferrets on to one page, but I know I have missed
things. If you have an idea for other things I can add, please
E-mail me and I will be happy to add them.
Enjoy the site!
January 29, 2001 --
I updated the Guestbook - It appears that the guestbook I had wasn't
there anymore I have lost all my guestbook entries, so Please sign
again! Thanks! - Rainy
January 12, 2001 --
THEY ARE HERE! You can now see pictures of my most adorable (I'm
biased) Scummies! If you click on the "My Buddies" link in the navagation
bar to the left, it will take you to them!
January 5, 2001 --
I have now updated this site so that all the pictures are loading
correctly (I hope). If you have any problems with a picture not loading
try reloading the page, it may just be a temporary thing. I have also
finnaly removed all the links (I think) because, unfortunately,
they aren't around anymore.