Freedom News and Views
Vigilan? sits and absentmindedly twirls a small dagger as he watches the sweat pour from Freedom's face...

Vig: We going to do this thing or not?!

Free: Oh, quite right...First off,why did you leave the Assassin's Guild, a Stable you helped create and lead to high successes?!

Vig: When you love something, sometimes you have to set it free...Sting said that and I whole-heartedly agree. The Guild is a Great stable, I will not take away from what all of us strived to build in those early days. BUT, the Guild can grow no more with me in the pack. This may sound egotistical, but with me in the midst of the Guild the focus was always on me. I would constantly hear, "Vig is the Guild." or "The Guild is a one trick pony." Well by me removing myself from the roster, Alisterfiend, Masterzoma, Toy, Anni, Sapper, Nightdemon and the rest of the guys will show CSlam that they are indeed a force to be reckoned with.

Freedom: Top Stable - the Guild?!

Vig: Not at all...They need time, Time to get back to the basics, but they will rise. No I think you know who the top stable is now...

Free: PIC?! the dagger flies and sticks inches from Freedom's ear... I mean Nocturnal Supremacy!

Vig: That's right the Masters of the Night. You see, with Alucard, Raymond and the others, I don't have to be the focal unit f the team. I can blend my talents with others of equal or superior talent.

Free: You're saying the Guild was beneath you?!

Vig: That's 2 Freedom, don't push your luck...No, I'm saying I was the vocal leader of the Guild. The others never ventured down that same road....but the will.The members of NS can hold their own on any surface, OOC, COR, Board, Playoffs, Everywhere.

Free: I see, What about you vs the Guild?!

Vig: I will not fight them.

Free: What?!! You are changing the rules Viggy...When someone leaves a stable they ALWAYS fight their ex-teamies!

Vig: That's what makes me unique, I always go against the flow. Someone once asked what my gimmick was, well it's really pretty simple. If you say Yes, I say no. It's like MightyMark. He challenged me to a retirement match...I said No. unheard of and the board reacted exactly as I figured it would. Chicken this and coward that...but the bottom line is I got heat just by going agaist the flow. I still think most people missed that play. Same with Stuman, I was the first to question his "legendary status" and Streakender jumped right in, proving he has a free and strong mind too.

Free: Yeah...okay. So you will never fight the Guild?

Vig: Well, I will try not to, it depends on the cards and the situation. Trust me if the Guild steps in the way of NS, they will have a fight.

Free: You're pretty hyped about being in NS aren't you?!

Vig: Who wouldn't be...I mean look at the roster...Tristam, Violator, Bose, Jericho et al. Never has such an All Star *ahem* line-up been achieved. There is no doubt we are the #1 Stable going into the season. The other guys in the stable took it to the Mountain top last seasn, I merely heped with the last few inches.

Free: Let's move on...How about a little word association.

Vig: Cool, I always love those things.

Free: Daos

Vig: Determined

Free: Stuman

Vig: hype

Free: Chevy

Vig: hype

Free: Alister

Vig: Friend

Free: Dreamweaver

Vig: Mentor

Free: MightyMark

Vig: Monkey

Free: Lars

Vig: The best

Free: Reject

Vig: Who?

Free: Maskedjobber

Vig: Underated

Free: Geno

Vig: Funny

Free: Ace?

Vig: Good guy

Free: Bose and Jericho?

Vig: The Future

Free: The Slammer?

Vig: Hard WorkFree: Top Fed?

Vig: CCW

Free: Feuds?

Vig: Underated

Free: R/P?

Vig: Underated

Free: Ultimates

Vig: Overated.

Free: You say over-rated and underarted a lot...Let's go with that...Who do you think are the 5 most under-appreciated guys in CSlam?

Vig: Hell, let's do 10... - In no particular order are: Masterzoma, Zerofactor, Raymond, Norsbane, and Al Bradd, Marshall Law, CaptainChaos, Grimm, MJ, Offensive ...You can add Steroidhead and Tazz to that list until they make the Hall.

Free: Over-rated?

Vig: Stuman, Stuman Jr, Mrs Stuman, CBenoit, and Stuman Jr, heh Free: Well times running out Big Man, any last words?!

Vig: Nope

Free: Wha?! Everyone does....Oh I get it...going against the flow eh?!

Vig giggles

Vig: Actually in closing I do want to say just one thing.....Vig pulls out another dagger points it at the camera and says....
