the greatest hunters of the universe

Predators are a race of beings that are two meters tall many times stronger and many times faster than humans. They also have a higher level of tecnologly than humans. they live by a strick code of honer and live for the hunt. Mostly they hunt the Aliens and stay away from humans, they consider us the "pyode amedha" ultimate prey and tell their young storys about us like we tell monster storys. only bloodied warriors are aloud to even dare to aproch humans. they train most of thetheir lives to become a blooied warrior, and to become a bloodied hunter a yautja (student) goes in to battle against the aliens and if he lives his pack leader and teacher makes his signature on the forehead of the yautja with the acid blood of the hard meat (aliens) and he becomes a warrior. The females of the speices arenot aloud to learn to the ways of the hunt, but the females are many time stronger than the males. no unarmed expert warrior or yautja would even consider fighting a female. Some times in the heat of mating a female can accidently tossed a male across the room. The warriors hair is bound tightly in to ringlets the bounding process is done in front of the rest of the yautjas. The process is very painfull and if the student flinches the locks are pulled out and the process starts over. When a yautja goes on his first hunt all the yautjas line up in front of a rack of weapons and armer, than they race to the rack and fight for gear the stronger ones get the better equpment. The Predator armer is largly made of the exoskeleton of the Aliens that's been hardend the armer is unefected by the acid blood of the aliens, So are the blades of their spears and edged weapons. The predators blood nutralises the acid blood of the aliens. The predators have a verson of a cloking device in both their armer and ships. It makes them undetectable by any type of radar.and invisable to the naked eye.

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