Hello, If anyone does actually look at this page, please be sure to right down your critisisms (is that how its spelt?)or ideas for content on this page. -Jon

ArchieJake - 10/28/99 01:23:30
My Email:archiejake@aol.com

Tom &Vega (vince) - 10/01/99 10:30:19
P.P.S. Jon please feel Free to delete our Previous Messages We are so so sorry!!

Tom & Vince - 10/01/99 10:21:33
We Formally Apologise for abusing Jons Page and would never dream of doing it again. Plus Those That Know Jon Personally, as we do, are not Included in our momentary spirt of outrage. P.S. FRRRREEEEEAAAKKKSSSS!!!!!!!!

Vega - 10/01/99 10:15:10
What the FCUK, you sick FCUK's specially that KARA type person who the FCUK does she think she is? No rather who the FCUK does she think we are? Plus apologies to Jon for all the obscene language but it FCUK'n had to be said. Those sick FCUK's.

Tom - 10/01/99 10:13:15
Me again Jon. Does anyone else think its strange that Kara wants jon to look at pictures of herself, I would investigate but I am too scared.

Tom - 10/01/99 10:04:07
I do not wish to offened anyone but I am. Most people on this page are freaks and should be kept away and locked up. If you think the inventions are real, mentioning no names, then there is no hope. Never irritate me again, for it is the law. P.S. I know Jon so please do not start moaning about what for sure is the truth.

Bobby bell - 07/02/99 19:53:34
My Email:bobbybell50@hotmail.com
My name is Bobby and i like your page. Me and my friend are looking for a stie that tells you how to make a model litghsaber. we thought your stie would tell us were to find this.

adam - 06/22/99 19:48:17
My Email:hohoho
lavers. yay.

knjfkkkjkhbfj - 06/02/99 05:58:39
My Email:rod@tig.com.au

Yamoto the Brave - 05/26/99 12:07:54
My Email:paraniod
I really wanted to know how to build a lightsabre you disapoint me.

- 04/23/99 08:13:13

Paulo Middlemaso - 02/28/99 19:05:54
My Email:S_p.s.middlemas@tees.ac.uk
Very good Meegan. You are very clever. Paul

- 02/28/99 18:58:49
Meegan your insane

Andy - 10/20/98 14:47:09
My Email:aca97ags@shef.ac.uk
Hum, meegan, your web-site is truly stunning, brilliant, love the weird thoughts. Andy

10/16/98 08:56:02
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Matt Halden - 10/13/98 11:56:13
My Email:es0u70cc@liv.ac.uk
Star wars stuff, what a suprise! How many people have visited this sit so far then?

Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 19:27:15
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Tom Islip - 04/26/98 17:02:30
My Email:Forgot
Eh up Meegan. Carnt seem to get anything to work. I'd ave that cheeky fuck below if I were you.

Samuel Pheeps - 04/10/98 16:28:57
My Email:unknown
This is all extremely interesting. You really do have some fantastic ideas that, if you published them, would give you the recognition you truly deserve. The force is clearly with you.

Jimbo Evans - 03/09/98 16:45:55
My Email:james.evans@mailexcite.com
Meegs, you are a complete sodding crackpot! Do you have a life or anything? I have never met anyone so damn tapped in my bloody life. Cool idea about the remote viewing though!

ME - 03/09/98 11:49:48

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