The Scoop on Poop
Have you ever wonderd about them poops ?
What to call them ?
What other people call them ? Well here is a
list of some of the Poopies that I have been
sent by some folks that thought maybe you
too would like to know the fine art of a poop !
Silly isn't it ?
The Peanut Butter Poopie
When you wipe and wipe and it still needs wiping. Usually the phone rings
in the middle of this poopie !
The Ghost Poopie
When you know you had to go , sat down , are sure you went but there is
nothing to flush !
The Cannon Ball Poopie
The title pretty much fits this one ! You sit down and your butt explodes
and WHAM ! It shoots out of you at light speed with a big splash on your booty !
The Never Ending Poopie
This poopie is unique , for you sit down and think you are all done , wipe,
get up and darn it all you have to go again, and again !
The Snake Charmer's Poopie
This poopie you can be proud proud PROUD of ! As you poop it coils up in the
toilet just like a snake !
The Whip Cream Poopie
Oh my ! Yes it is a poopie very delicate and foamy ! Only for
the dainty and light poopers at heart !
The Shizlen Drits
Okay , drizzeling shits is the improper name for this ,
and we have all had it at one time or another !
The broken hearted poopie
You run to the toilet as fast as you can , hoping for
all your worth you make it in time , but when you get
there you only have to pass a little gas !
Lawdy does it stink Poopie
Oh yes, one of the most embarresing poopies of all .
It smells so bad even you can't breathe ! Not to
mention the rest in the area ! To make matters worse
people can't help but make a comment such as
The Obnoxious Poopie
So embarressing is this poopie ! It makes it's
presense known by a loud string of farts that
of course you'd swear the whole world can hear !
Do you know of a poopie that you would like to share with the rest of the
world ? Email me with your proud poopie and tell me all about it . I will add it to
list and if you would like your name mentioned just let me know ! We will let the
world know about it !
Click here to Email your poopie.
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