I’ve ditched most of the links on here which were horribly out of date. Here are a few of my most-used ones.
Mornington Crescent in Outer Space
Orange MC
A couple of sites on which to play the fascinating game of Mornington Crescent.
The home of the latest music charts; singles, albums and many more.
TV Tome
An invaluable resource for finding out information about many Cult TV and Science Fiction series.
Sci-Fi Wire
The Sci-Fi Channel's news site, packed with information.
Dark Horizons
For the latest information, mainly on films, but also some TV Science-fiction as well, Dark Horizons is a valuable resource we use a lot at work.
The Great Link
A Star Trek page with very good up-to-date (and rumoured) information.
DC Comics
The latest information from DC about forthcoming comics.
SFTV Listings
Listings of recent and forthcoming episodes of US TV programmes.
The Framley Examiner
A hilarious spoof newspaper.
The best place to pick up DVDs and CDs online.
If nothing here takes your fancy, why not return to the front page?