Dark Schneider

yep it's Dark Schneider that wonderful ....well his status isn't really in the villian part or the hero part.....he's kinda in the middle..but he's mostly villian...but anyways..he's from Bastard!! it's a really cool Anime/Manga..even though I haven't read the Manga...but it's still a good Anime...but anyways....he's the main character...he tranforms from a little kid to his Darshe form..because of the kiss of Yuri his best friend who happens to be a virgin..for a while that's the only way he can be Darshe....but he soon broke outta it...in the Anime he has 3 chics sorta...there's the Princess, Arshes, and Yuri..however in the Manga I'm told he has about 40-50 more of em..he's a sex fiend and a bastard...to put it lightly...he cares nothing about anyone else..(cept from Luche's influence) and all he really really wants is to get some..before he was trapped into luche's body he was going to control the world so he could kill all the men and take their women....basically Darshe is the greatest sorcerer in the world....and that's rather true since he seems to have almost unlimited powers...and he can even come back from the dead..yes it is creepy to watch but atleast he's naked -_^....well here's luche
since that's done s'pose I should do his stats eh?
Age: ~400 as they say
Eyes:Blue as far as I know for the Manga they're the same
Hair: you silly it's white...
Height:6'1" as far as I know that's 183 cm for you metric peps
Weight:haven't the slightest
Personality:he's an ass and a nympho..what more is there?
Spells:Mace,unlocking spell
Raven, flight spell
Strike, Bolt spell
Sonobu, haven't the slightest
Zako-Damero, energy blast
Marubolt,larger bolt spell
Venom, melts target(this one is cool
Riot, haven't the slightest
Megadeath, explodes really large targets
Accused, curse spell
Exodus, strongest spell he CAN use
Halloween, the forbidden spell
Blagozahas, haven't the slighest but it's gotta do something big
Catch em all!

well that's about it.....for now

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