
Welcome to my mini-sephy shrine..When I break back into the boxes in my mom's house I'll get that poetry up...someday..soon I hope. But for now I got a little info on Sephy, and some spiffy things I've collected....Not really got pisures of them but I can talk about them. Anyhow, Enjoy and have fun.

Cloud's a girl! I can prove it. For one, he's drawn flat, in the crotch area, in the game. If you look at the CGI's of cloud his chest looks like he might have taped down breast look it's there. He never takes off his shirt, unlike sephy, we KNOW he's a guy. Cloud's face, well look he actually looks like a girl. And he carries that dress through the whole game! so in conclusion, I think cloudy killed sephy because sephy found out that cloudy was a girl; therefore, those of you that think sephy and cloud make a good couple there you go cloudy's a girl. That would make sephy not gay if this is true those nasty yaoi people.

Name: Sephiroth (his last name would be a spoiler,he really does have one.)
Age: roughly 30, but it really is unknown
Height: 6'1" or in metric 183 cm
Weight: I dunno but I'd say about 160-170 lbs.
Weapon: a huge-ass sword called the Masamune(notice if you play Chrono Trigger or some of the other FF's there is also a Masamune and in the Highlander movie too, but it is said that there is only one Masamune made.....hmmm...)
Blood-type: it says unknown but I still think Jenova.

I had a sephy shirt custom made just for me (I've found out I'm not the only one that paid lots of mola for one.) I have his whole name on the front, his picture on the back and his stats.this is what my shirt says:

Name: Sephiroth
Height:186cm (doh!(it doesn't say that, I just screwed up,if 186 was true he'd be 6'2" he's not 6'2" he's 6'1"))
Blood type: unknown

Long ago I used to have a key chair with Sephy on it but alas *sniff* I lost it....I was terribly miffed.
I have the original Japanese action figure with all the spiffy Japanese writting all over it not to mention they have a better plastic then the box sets.
and I've gotten lucky enough to have a Sephiroth blind...I'm quite proud of it. It hangs in my room on the wall like a I ever figure out anything else I have of him...I might post it..

I suppose you want to see my fan art...well let me find it first (dig dig) ah here it is..
I did this when I was bored one day and could sleep and I had learned a technique so it makes it look kinda cool
I took this picture of my action figure then I scanned it I know it looks a little crappy but hey you want it all huge? I didn't think so
the old logo I made
I forget but I think it's cool and I didn't draw it it's from the game
it's old but still good, it's my interpretation of OWA.
I play World of Darkness and I play a Sephiroth that's a Changling that has a daughter and that's him hugging his daughter because he loves her so much.
this is Sephy taking a bath. he's naked but he'd covered up..
again my Changling this was the picture I drew on the title page to a story for my sci-fi class.
This is one of the first piccy's of sephy I ever attempted hey not bad for a half a year old.
I found this cool story called Completion it was cool it was about sephy's sister and I drew a picture of what I thought she looked like as soon as I find the page again I'll send the URL for the story. Some day I'll find it.
A charcole of sephy I made...I got these for christmas!

that's basicly it


one last thing

Catch 'em all!

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